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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Mad respect Magilla, mad respect for these girls. Don't forget that. Privileged in what way, they had money?
  2. Yes, that's a fair point. I personally think mentioning his " privilege" was completely unnecessary.
  3. I just can't get my head around folk that are so naive. Incredible. Don't forget, the author has " mad respect" for these girls" Mad respect. What was the point of mentioning his dad is rich, do you think it was in a positive way or a negative,the way he worded it?
  4. All coming to a city near you. Sorry my mistake, already in a city near you. https://youtube.com/shorts/IX-55CCQSaY?feature=share3
  5. Basically they are championing girls who sell sex online. But that's fine. But Zak Crawley, the privileged batsman!!!!!!!
  6. Meanwhile, they give kudos to this nonsense, even though the girls in question offer sexual favours and it has erotic undertones. "Cherry Crush – a wig-wearing, elf-eared creator who barks and makes “nom nom nom” sounds – both maintain OnlyFans accounts with explicit content, but there’s nothing overtly sexual about their NPC streams" Oh, so that's ok for kids to watch then? Another beauty..... I have mad respect for people who are doing this for more than two hours a day. Mad respect!!!!!! 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 Thank goodness Zak Crawley ain't doing this sort of thing as they would really go to town on him!!!! Absolute parasites. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/jul/19/tiktok-npc-streaming-live-stream-pinkydoll#cobssid=s Thick and incredibly nasty and bitter.
  7. I will save you some time. Basically it's some kind of nickname for the batsman in question, however in true bitter Guardian style, they are crying about the chap having a privileged upbringing because his dad is rich so therefore, according to the bitter Guardian he has had more chances to shine than others. They can't enjoy anything can they without some dig.
  8. To be honest I am incredibly happy that the left had a good set of results last night. I am a empathetic person and after having so many losses over the years and what with the complete disaster they all had yesterday, I think it only fair they have a victory for once and I hope they feel better. Being on the losing side so often can take its toll and can escalate into blubbering ramblings, a lack of common sense, any awareness and an incapability to admit when you have got it spectaculary wrong. I sincerely offer my congratulations. 👏👏👏👏 😉😉
  9. I think the only people who don't have mental health issues these days are the ones who identify as something they are not! They are perfectly fine, apparently.
  10. Anyone who doesn't agree with is either in need of help, or is arguing for the sake of it. It's just so blindingly obvious the way to go.
  11. If you commit a serious crime at 18, you should be tried as an 18 year old regardless. If your mental age is 11 then this should be taken into account as to where you serve your sentence.
  12. They're absolute parasites. The Sun and Mail don't hide who or what they are, but the Guardian try to make out they are the bastions of equality but they are nothing short of a disgrace with their constant efforts to create division. Like I say, absolute parasites.
  13. The Guardian one, surprise surprise. They do love a bit of Royal bashing to start the day off.
  14. Baker, a prominent republican observed that Britain’s royal family was considerably more expensive than other European monarchies. “The royals always plead poverty,” Stopped reading at that point.
  15. But you are a lefty by your own admission, which is perfectly fine, I have good friends who are lefties and a socialist brother who is lovely. From now on I will use far left. Ok?
  16. Absolutely, and they deserve a good old thrashing. I am guessing the poster meant in general not just the UK.
  17. And many lefties will not think as you do. I never said all lefties.
  18. He has my sympathy if that's the case. My ceramic tiles are throbbing like the head is right now of the CEO of Coutts bank.
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