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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. I agree with the point you make but if things are not overly wrapped, they get damaged by couriers who have absolutely no care about folks parcels.
  2. Like this one? "There’s no slippery slope here. Just standard banking procedures. Nothing to do with his political views either." This maybe? "Let’s hope Boris Johnson is next" Or this.... "Banks don’t care one bit about their clients’ political leanings, but they are terrified of being found to handle funds originating from sanctioned sources/countries like Iran, North Korea…Russia" This one is a beaut... "I wonder if Farage wants to leave, however he wants to push his self pitying narrative that "everyone is against me....liberal left establishment" nonsense that he likes to come out with. I'm sure there are plenty of right wingers who'll happily give him money. Though if there was a whip round for a one way ticket to oblivion for Nigel, I'd happily chip in" Or this masterpiece? "Suitable anti-woke link to appease the snowflake" All coherent in their own way. 😉 Hey, we all get it wrong from time to time. 👍
  3. They are completely playing the man and not the ball. It's quite scary that the left are supporting of this just because they don't like someone.
  4. Only used self service check outs a couple of times. I would have thought they are a shoplifters paradise.
  5. Looking back at some of the earlier posts are priceless. This being the standout. Another cracker. 😂
  6. What I don't get is that a large majority of the migrants coming over, which I think it's fair to say the the majority left welcome with open arms legal or illegal, have values and opinions that the left claim to hate. I just don't get it.
  7. Steady on Jack, they are at least at the cutting edge of the music world, they give us music fans stories what we want.. Who doesn't love a bit of Ustad in the morning. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/jul/19/totally-full-of-spiritual-energy-ustad-noor-bakhsh-the-pakistani-musician-discovered-on-the-side-of-a-road
  8. Funny as.. It's must make their virtual signalling heads explode!!
  9. Fair play, but then they ruin it by posting this bitter opinion... https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jul/19/nigel-farage-bank-coutts-money Aye, those lefties... And they have the nerve to shout "fascists" at the Conservatives!! 🤪🤪
  10. The ones I know just blame America and NATO, as so do most Eastern European folk I know. To be fair they blame everything on everyone else but their own.
  11. Calm down Greta. I've not been personally affected by them. But they have, that's what we are talking about you silly sausage.
  12. Just like those other Billionaires Lewis Hamilton and the Band U2 , those bastions of telling everyone else how they should help others yet when they can get away without paying more tax,....more hypocrisy. Still, what's good for the goose.....
  13. Violence is not the answer, although I am surprised these morons have not suffered more. I don't know why no one has thrown orange paint all over them yet, or cans of soup.
  14. So they have closed his accounts because they don't like his political views and values and also his like of certain tweets, referencing Novak Djokovic and Ricky Gervais!!!! And folk on the left are supporting this, can folk not see the bigger picture? Talk about playing the man and not the ball. Ive no doubt it's the same folk who were happy to see a bloke sat in a jail cell for 3 months without being found guilty of anything yet? The left can be so vindictive and nasty just because they don't like someone,and yet they proclaim to be the tolerant and fair party.
  15. Is that any of your business? He is a highly talented individual, fair play to him. My thoughts are mentioned in a previous post. 👍
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