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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. For the record I really dont get the hysterical reaction to the Huw Edwards case, he has just been a very silly boy. Regards Wootton, if he has done what's alleged then he deserves all the flak he gets.
  2. I agree, it's just that someone else mentioned this regarding Huw. When it suits of course. 😉
  3. Of course not. I don't see Bill on social media with Diamonds dripping off him though and parking on double yellow lines in his 700 grand car.
  4. Fair enough I just know if it was me making a big fuss about starving kids, I wouldn't be parading around in a 700 grand car and taking private jets with diamonds dripping off me. I would feel a bit silly. 👍
  5. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-12304013/Marcus-Rashford-parks-brand-new-700-000-Rolls-Royce-double-yellow-lines-Cheshire.html Man of the people Marcus will soon sort it out. Imagine all those " starving kids" he could have helped if he had not bought a Rolls-Royce.
  6. Serious question regarding foodbanks and their figures. I am not rich but comfortable due to me working long hours etc. I've always wanted a Porsche 911 but can't afford the payments. Let's say I go out and purchase one but the monthly payments mean that I can't now afford to buy food so I need the help of foodbanks to eat. I am assuming I would be chalked down on the statistics as a foodbank user, so my question is....do I need a foodbank because my unwise lifestyle choice now means I have to and would that be ok in your eyes?
  7. The salavating by some at the thought of someone who is not on their side doing something wrong is quite a sight to behold. Is there a whiff of homophobia about it? It's also a compliment that some think this alleged scandal by a presenter on a news channel that apparently no one watches is as big as the one regarding the main presenter and national treasure on the BBC.
  8. Western World poverty is nothing like real poverty. What's the poverty line these days? Aye, ok then.
  9. Interesting reading that to be fair. Am I correct in thinking most of them are one organisation that is in different areas each day rather than a static permanent foodbank, hence it gives the impression there are more than what it seems?
  10. Like the democrats in the states. They want to keep people in their place rather than reward hard work. They encourage lazyness.
  11. To be honest it wouldn't surprise me at all but I can't say I know that as fact. What I do know is that these folk, usually teachers and nurses who claim they need food banks even though they work full time need a financial advisor, not a foodbank. It's usually the leftwing working sector that make these claims however so I highly doubt they would claim to be using them if the conservatives were not in power.
  12. "Food banks" is the new shock n awe word. Anyone would think the whole population is using them the amount of times it's spoken about.
  13. And more food banks and the more in poverty ( not real poverty, western world poverty) has nothing to do with the thousands of more people coming into the country, oh no.
  14. Not right now, bit busy trying to get my BBQ fired up,
  15. I thought most of the boat people and asylum seekers were doctors? Crikey, never happy some people.
  16. Wondered that myself.... Maybe it's an attempt for more shock n awe?
  17. Calm down Schwarzkopf you will burst a blood vessel. I said the next generation, not the ones previous you silly sausage. Read posts properly otherwise you make thee sen look proper daft. 👍
  18. No, no, no,no NO!!!! it's the Tory's fault. 🙄
  19. Agree. The Chinese introduced Tik Tok for this very reason into the Western world, it another platform designed to create division. The West is becoming a laughing stock and is becoming prime for being taken over, not just yet but within 50 years because the majority are too busy trying to get likes to ease their fragile egos to notice what's going on. The next generation wouldn't fight anyway as it might upset them or it might offend someone.
  20. Many on the left don't like the regular working man, it's why they try to be all patronising. It's why they hate wetherspoons and folk who read the Sun, they think it's beneath them.
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