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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. But still no answer to my question. I will try again.... In what way does the cost of living crisis have anything to do with anything relevant happening at Wimbledon this year? You said the crisis is why some of the stuff happened......like what exactly?
  2. Why did the cost of living crisis cause anything to happen? Priceless. Top marks for effort mind. 👍
  3. Because they love the negatives, you know that. They even managed to shove in the cost of living crisis in their 1st paragraph. Again. The hate anything British and successful. Not sure what's more blindingly obvious, your reluctance to admit it, or their distain.
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2023/jul/16/protests-and-pimms-wimbledon-winds-up-after-fortnight-of-on-and-off-court-drama So to summarise for everyone but the Guardian.. It's been a roaring success apart from some silly protesters who everyone just laughs at, folk have had a great time, witnessed some fantastic tennis and another superb British event has gone off spectacularly. That must make them absolutely livid. 👍
  5. Big explosion of massive rocks colliding, gas and watter created living atoms or summat, then evolution. And here we are. Simple.
  6. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jul/15/barbie-hollywood-film-role-model-girls-greta-gerwig Some mental gymnastics going on there! I like this paragraph.. "But in her own little way, Barbie tells us something about the bigger impasse in which women still find ourselves. The plethora of new, aspirational Barbies, who combine cool jobs with gleaming smiles and shiny hair, serve to remind us just how hard it still is even for successful and experienced women to be valued if they don’t also show doll-like qualities – prettiness, neat wardrobe, perfect shape, youthful faces. In a world in which women are told they can be anything, too often they still have to be dolls as well." I just knew it would be someone else's fault that women spend around 350 billion a year on making themselves look prettier and spend 70 billion on surgery to look better and more attractive, I've yet to meet a bloke yet who thinks these women who have liposuction look better, so why do they do it? Another peach..... "I’ve had with younger readers, who are telling me forcefully that not only do they recognise the problems I mapped out 13 years ago, but they feel that things have only got worse for women and girls. If we still believe girls deserve a freer and more equal world, we need to stop looking to dolls to lead the way forward." Well maybe women should start turning off shows like the Kardashians that create this crazy notion that women should look a certain way and then maybe girls wouldn't be so competitive with each other. Just a thought.
  7. Anything that makes life safer for us law abiding citizens gets a thumbs up from me. Why would anyone be against surveillance if they are doing nothing wrong,?
  8. https://www.beastsofthebalkans.com/bulgarian_animals/ticks/spiders/619 Lots of these horrible things in Romania and Bulgaria.
  9. No seriously, why don't you move to another country if you don't like how the UK is governed? You asked someone a similar question so why don't you practice what you preach?
  10. All you do is complain about how the UK is governed. Why don't you live in another country then? Easy this!
  11. Chansiri is a fool. Not much else to add really.
  12. WTF... 😆😆 No, not me. Never been, would like to though.
  13. I am suffering abroad at the mo in Macedonia, it's sweltering. Lying in bed with a fan blasting reyt in my chops. Would love some British weather right now!
  14. Off the top of my head... The beautiful countryside, the coastlines, the ease in which you can travel around, the wonderful hotels and bed and breakfast places in gorgeous towns and villages, the pubs, the amazing capital city, the sporting venues and sporting history, the amazing restaurants on offer, the fantastic museums and leisure activities available, the many airports that can take you anywhere in the world, the standard of life you can have, the diversity, the best bands playing at numerous venues.... Lots of things.
  15. Why are they so negative about anything that's good about this country, it's absolutely pathetic. You are right of course, it shouldn't bother me and I shouldn't read their bile but I enjoy reading all kinds of publications, regardless of politics but I do like their sports articles. They just seem to get a kick out of creating division and quite frankly I find it rather sick.
  16. They can't enjoy anything can they without the bitter digs. Heaven forbid folk want to enjoy things. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2023/jul/14/wimbledon-no-cost-of-living-crisis-visitors-splash-out
  17. Aye, wasting their time investigating whether a bloke got his bottom out or not!!
  18. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-12297319/RICHARD-LITTLEJOHN-left-using-Huw-Edwards-story-attack-free-speech.html
  19. But you didn't buy around all night, and we even bought you the expensive lentil crisps you wanted. 😉
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