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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. I suggest you read the posts before I posted the articles, it was completely relevant. What gaff have I made?
  2. No comment on the actual debate? Textbook. Do you think the editor in chief looks at the opinion piece before it goes to publish? Why is it so difficult for the left to actually accept it when their side makes a complete gaff?
  3. Seeing as the Guardians employees are now trying to claim the Kings coronation was a great state occasion to suit their narrative, I thought I would take a peek to see if they thought that back then.... What a surprise.. Just a few of many bitter articles. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/may/07/charles-iii-coronation-faith-wont-last-forever. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/may/06/coronation-of-king-charles-is-a-visual-feast-veiled-in-the-mists-of-the-past. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/may/06/strong-bladders-required-for-interminable-faffing-of-king-charles-coronation. Complete hypocrites and liars.
  4. "And then you get a call from the Sun about your best-known news presenter, who has had a wonderful 12 months, hosting the BBC’s coverage of great state occasions such as the funeral of Queen Elizabeth and the coronation of King Charles" Crikey, the Guardian have changed their tone as all they did was moan and be negative about the coronation now all of a sudden it's a great state occasion. How they have the brass neck to now pretend they think it was a great state occasion. 😂😂 Still, like all new outlets, they are incredibly biased....when it suits their narrative eh.
  5. I thought he was out of order the other day and was quite rightly put in his place by the UK and America.
  6. As I've stated earlier I am in Eastern Europe at present and I've never seen so many spanking new 4x4 cars all with Ukrainian plates. Ive lost count of the number of times over the past months I've been asked for money from folk claiming to be Ukrainian driving flash cars. The last occurrence yesterday morning whilst I was at a mall a large BMW with Ukrainian plates pulled up by me and asked for petrol money.! I asked if they could give me some and they promptly drove off. The general feeling towards Ukrainians in Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria is definitely not as gracious as the West.
  7. The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence. Charles Bukowski.
  8. Speak for yourself..... A paper cut occurs when a piece of paper or other thin, sharp material slices a person's skin, often the upper part of the finger, and often the index finger. Notably, "paper" cuts can also be caused by other thin, stiff, and abrasive materials other than just paper.
  9. I drive a reyt thirsty Isuzu trooper and I've never had any complaints about my chopper. Not to my face anyway!! 😉
  10. In Eastern Europe at the mo near the black sea, roasting already and predicted to go up to 42 today!!
  11. The answer is yes. For a general test, next time you get on a plane, just watch the amount of people who struggle to find their seat. It couldn't be more easier, there is a sign telling you where your seat is, it even has a picture of a little window to help, and not only that, you have a piece of paper with your seat number printed on it! How hard can it be yet so many are unable to fathom it out?
  12. He is a teacher, be just a regular roll up.
  13. Wallet for me. I sometimes have panic attacks about what I would do if I lost it as I keep everything I need in there.
  14. Exhibit one... Trouble with the Tory party - they're as daft as the gormless people who support them. For Starters.... Exhibit two.. Does this not show that the tory party and the tory voters, are not very intelligent and should have predicted what a disaster he would turn out to be? What a shower, the lot of you Exhibit three.. it is greedy and it is typical of tory supporters. If you want to say I've a chip on my shoulder, then fine. I have a chip about selfish, greedy rip of merchants who are always ready to laugh and insult the poor.
  15. I don't feel sad for him but if what he has allegedly done is true, then I feel it's been completely blown out of all proportion.
  16. I have never suggested that's the case at all. I think you should take the paragraph in bold and maybe repeat it to the many lefties on here that call those who vote Tory some awful names, lumping us all under one banner.
  17. You were doing rather well for the first part, then it tailed off into one of your usual manchild ranty personal insults, which are rather cute if I am being honest. I've ran a half marathon dressed as Joseph Goebbels if that counts?
  18. That's it. The presenter is married to the alleged 17 year old and they have had a row about him texting someone else or who's turn it is to do the dishes. The 17 year old has sent him some pictures and then grassed him up to mummy, who in turn has seen £ signs and contacted the Sun. The presenter finally got the dishes done and has paid off everyone but now the cops who have no important crimes in London to deal with have to now make enquiries. Eat your heart out columbo!!
  19. Not according to the article that we are talking about though.
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