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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. It's mental. Anyone would think he had butcherd a load of young kids rather than paying to see a few pictures of a 17 year old, allegedly
  2. If this rumoured chap is found guilty, is there such a big difference in someone paying to see sexual stuff on that empowering platform onlyfans or paying to see some mucky pictures? I get the age restrictions but is it that much different?
  3. I've seen medical experts about it but my urge to highlight it's constant efforts to divide and horrible racist bias is too much for me at times. I will try harder.
  4. Look at them things dangling between yer legs!
  5. How about that Swampy fella? 😀 He and his posse loved the woods and trees, can't recall any firearms though to be fair, although I would imagine the smell from their pits and clock weights would have been classed as an offensive weapon.
  6. I didn't realise he had passed away. I will ask my brother if he had any dealings with him. My brother has links mainly in North Derbyshire. It's often the case. I have friend and a brother who are the polar opposite to how i see things but we get on like a house on fire! To be fair, most folk think I am a lefty when they see what I do and read! Have a good day. 👍
  7. I will call. My vineyard produces much more. I can't claim to give away food because my neighbours also grow their own as do most of my village. I do my own plumbing and engine repairs but hopeless with electrics. I also jar up fruits and vegetables, store them in my cellar for the winters months. I repair old wood burning stoves for a hobby and a small income. I voluntary rescue cats and dogs and try to re-home them. Fungi and fauna ....Can I claim my brother being one of the UK's leading experts in this field? Also, will you marry me?
  8. I guess that chap Che Guevara was sat eating lentils with his mongrel dog in a youth hostel rather than having a group of guerrillas training in the woods of Bolivia then. 🙄
  9. You're words, not mine. Surprised you think like that to be honest.
  10. Well that just goes to show how wrong you can be. A left winger calling a right winger prescriptive!!! The irony. I would lay my bottom dollar I am much more self sufficient than you. A right winger who grows his own fruit and vegetables and has chickens, I bet that's making your head explode.
  11. Sounds good to me, what's wrong with eating, drinking, going on holiday and being concerned about high taxes and high levels of illegal immigration? You make it sound like that's a bad thing!!! Priceless.
  12. Exactly the same, apart from I don't voluntary help those who don't want to work, play gigs or cycle. I have chickens also, around 20. I live mainly in an area that I presume is a mix of all kinds rather than insolate myself within one political group. Certain folk are positive, some are always wanting to blame others for their misery and are constantly trying to tell everyone what they should be doing.
  13. Intellectuals mate, intellectuals. Apparently.
  14. Best tell that beanpole John Prescott to sell his 2 jags then.. 😉
  15. Thanks to both of you for confirming the article is absolute nonsense. 👍
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