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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Thanks to both of you for confirming the article is absolute nonsense. 👍
  2. Exhibit four!! It's like taking candy off a toddler. 😆
  3. I am guessing it's being called far right because then it gives the fatty lefties a reason not to exercise.
  4. Exhibit one from you.. "All I would say as a lefty, who is quite comfortable and not at all envious of anybody, is that some of those on the right don't know what a day's work is". Exhibit two, again from you.. That's a right wing blubber message Exhibit three, once more, from you.. In other words he's a, "do as I please" selfish guy All these were made before the latter part of the thread. Maybe you should practice what you preach. 👍
  5. Will you apply to become the Prime minister please?
  6. Someone just sent me a picture of the accused with his pants down showing off his arris!!! 😆😆😆 What a great news day!!!
  7. My bet would be on a mother and child celebrating at home with a bottle of champagne and a fat check from this alleged individual for changing their story.
  8. So you would make folk work who are able and stop their benefits? I am warming to you... 👍
  9. I didn't think you had a sense of humour!! My apologies. 👍
  10. So the left DO complain it has a right wing bias!! Will have to check who Kate is as I've no idea.
  11. So there are never any complaints about question time for example having a right wing bias?
  12. The left are banging on about the beeb being right wing aren't they? Maybe the same reason why Hugh Grant went with a prostitute whilst his gorgeous girlfriend was at home... The risk being the excitement?
  13. Because they can't be arsed into getting into a debate or they are bored of being shouted at by aggressive child like miseries. It's why Trump won when unexpected. It's why Brexit won when unexpected. Once folk are in the ballot box they then do what they really want rather than pretending otherwise for a quiet life.
  14. They are most probably too worried about bumping into you. 😉
  15. Roughly translated... " I kind of jumped the gun as it's plain to see both right wing and left wing publications have what some might find inappropriate" It's ok, we all make mistakes. 👍
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