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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Health and safety in Eastern Europe.. " Just watch where you go and be sensible" Sounds good to me.
  2. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12279721/Shocking-footage-shows-two-men-brawling-Ryanair-plane-argument-seat.html I rest my case.
  3. To be fair it's not just kids that ruin the flight experience. Flying used to be pleasurable until the low cost airlines came to the for. Now, any feckless chav can afford to fly bringing on board their brats and McDonald's. I had the fortune to fly 1st class a few years ago, it was pure bliss. No shouting, no loud music from iPhones, no fecker up and down using the toilet every 30 minutes and folk who have the intelligence not to take their seat belts off and stand-up before they should. These days just watching folk trying to find their seat is a documentary waiting to happen.
  4. Yep. Why should other people's flying experience be completely ruined by other people life choices?
  5. I bet the poor bloke has never had the pleasure of taking a newspaper to the lav. He wouldn't get to page 2 without some fecker knocking on the door wanting to get in.
  6. Would a transgender woman then be able to get out of paying maintenance or other legal fees due to being a father?
  7. How do these folk find the time or space to keep having a rattle? It's hard enough being intimate when there is just 1 ankle biter around!!
  8. The problem with some drugs is that they give you an incredible high and make you feel fantastic. It's why they are so popular.
  9. Nowt wrong with a bit of chum, makes a good Frey Bentos beef pie substitute! Have to pee on a tree for days afterwards mind.
  10. It does seem a completely unnecessary and strange thing to request.
  11. Never gets old!! 🤪🤪🤪🤪 https://youtu.be/Mondp50UWpw
  12. Exactly this. The bloke is an absolute gonk.
  13. I can't see this working in Scotland. It might work in Portugal but having travelled there quite often they have a completely different mindset to the Scots. I do believe this system is creating havoc in ultra liberal cities in North America.
  14. Sorry, this pearler is far too funny not to share. Absolute comedy gold.. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/jul/07/id-like-my-fiance-to-take-my-last-name-is-that-too-much-to-ask-of-him "escape this vestige of patriarchy." 🤪🤪 "because something men all over the world get is still seemingly out of reach for me" 🤪🤪 she sounds a real catch!!! How do they dream this stuff up!!! 😆😆😆😆😆
  15. Appalling prices. That's me out when coming back to Sheffield from time to time. Ok Dejphon.
  16. I don't think Organ grinder is a bad person at all and his contributions make it a good forum but for some reason he can't control his attacks on other posters. Shame.
  17. You don't know Page Hall at all do you? Do some research. Anyway, I've taken the thread off track, my apologies for that. 👍
  18. See, you are doing it again, I never said that. I said certain parts of Firth Park ( Page Hall), which is a known fact, hence the house prices and general state of that area. Come on, answer my question... Do you think the influx of certain immigrants to Page Hall has improved it or made it worse? Be honest now.
  19. Just pointing out the obvious don't get all shouty about it. As I mentioned previously, when the Guardian makes everything about race why don't you call that out? All I am doing is highlighting hypocrisy. 👍
  20. I never said every white neighbour is perfect, where did I say that? You are making assumptions which you do constantly. I am giving you facts. Are you suggesting that Page Hall has improved with the influx of Slovaks and Romanians or become less desirable? Answer that question honestly.
  21. Good for you. I love pointing out facts. The Guardian loves talking about race so why don't you call them out? Please tell me again, what have I said that's racist?
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