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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Taken from the Guardian... "The psychiatrist identified traits of autistic spectrum disorder but not enough to confirm a diagnosis and they did not impact on his offending, the court heard. Chail had difficulty developing relationships and was socially isolated, but Blackwood added: β€œIt’s very important to recognise this is a 19-year-old young man whose contact has been disrupted by the Covid pandemic like many of his peers.” I admire all the sympathetic views but I can't help but think the shouts of "INCEL!!!!!" would be reverberating around certain posters if he was a teenage white kid.
  2. That's your right, but back to my question... What do you do to help the poor anymore than I do? What's racist about what I wrote, it's a fact?
  3. You familiar with Page Hall? I had a relatively who had to move because her Slovakian neighbours were causing many issues, and lost thousands. Again another fact that you cant accept. Ah, the old racist card.....Bingo.
  4. Be my guest....you know you want to. Good luck with that.
  5. Do you have the same opinion of certain parts of firth park being made into ghettos by immigrants this meaning older residents have lost thousands due to their property value going down?
  6. Ah yes, the lefts answer to everything, personal insults. Textbook when you are out of thought. πŸ™„
  7. What part of " I've proven the lefts incapability to admit they are wrong" are you struggling with? Happy to help in anyway I possibly can. πŸ‘
  8. My good friend is a commodities broker, he is just one of the lads, but with more money. Are you suggesting that he shouldn't be able to be one of the lads because he will be baffled as to why not?
  9. And what do you do to help anymore than me apart from spout you care online?
  10. And how they were more than happy for 2 men to be locked up in prison without charge!! I am not a leftie but I wouldn't want the most left leaning person in jail without any charges, that's the difference. They are so spiteful and full of hate for anyone who dares think differently. They claim to hate fascists and dictator's but it's exactly what they are. They can't cope with the thought of them being wrong and will never admit it, as I've proven 3 times on here in just the past fortnight. Children is a perfect summary. So why scream like a baby that you care then? For attention and likes would be my bet.
  11. Was Bob Geldof prevented? As the polls in many countries in Europe are indeed concurring with.
  12. Common sense and truth is classed as right wing view? Yep, count me in. πŸ‘ Especially if you give a different view, then the personal insults start flying. The tolerant left!! πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
  13. It's absolutely hilarious. They just can't see it can they!! πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
  14. Thing is.... You know full well that in the safe space of their own home, even the sanctimonious, righteous left will agree with this but they are too wet wipey to admit it. Far easier to pretend you care.
  15. Would that be the same Emma Thompson who took a jet spewing flight from LA to the UK to support some environmental protest a while back? How naive are folk to actually think these hypocrites care. Funny though.
  16. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2023/jul/05/just-stop-oil-protesters-disrupt-play-on-court-18-at-wimbledon-tennis "before scattering a 1000-piece Wimbledon-branded puzzle and environmentally-friendly orange confetti glitter on to the grass" Got to love how the Guardian mention it's environmentally friendly confetti!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  17. I don't hate labour at all. Trust me, I am so far from living a sheltered life.
  18. I am truly shocked the Guardian is headlining the possibility of a death by heart attack being the fault of the police rather than anything else that's happened. I also note that the kids family have lodged an official legal complaint about the gofundme set up to help the policeman. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/05/france-riots-prosecutors-investigate-death-of-man-hit-by-projectile-in-marseille
  19. Dated a lady called Sierra whilst living in the states......you didn't go to Colombia University did you, then UCLA? 😬
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