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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. To be fair they told us Almen Abdi was mint.
  2. America is fantastic. Don't let certain liberal democrat run cities ruin your perception.
  3. Used to work with a girl London who volunteered to help Kids Company, it was around the year 2000. She said that the owner of the charity was always on holidays abroad and was in her opinion " dodgy as owt" and was a really nasty piece of work if you got on the wrong side of her.
  4. It usually does in Chicago and Philadelphia. We will not hear about that though! My partner is American so I am sure the fireworks will be coming out!
  5. It's really odd because you know deep down they think it's all just nonsense like the rest of us but for some reason they try to claim the moral higher ground. I've said it before but those that pretend they care are usually the ones who have some sort of inner guilt about something they have done in the past.
  6. People are free to live their lives as they want. If a bloke wants to call himself a she, he can. If a lass wants to call herself a bloke, she can. Who is stopping them living their lives, what rights do you and me have that they don't?
  7. Crikey, that's quite the assumption. For one who is quite forward in wanting folk to be accepting, why are you sceptical of accepting this story?
  8. What quoting facts to prove you wrong? That's three times in recent days I've shown facts to gobby lefties that has proven them incorrect, and surprise surprise not one has said they got it wrong. I am shocked I tell thee, shocked. They will be absolutely seething!!!
  9. BAME folk killed by police shootings or in custody under a Labour government. So going on statistics maybe we should be blaming the left for the killings of BAME folk? I mean, we have to blame anyone or anything else right? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/03/fundraiser-police-officer-killed-french-teen Maybe they do....
  10. It's hard to discuss things when you come out with just banal nonsense.
  11. Although more were killed under a Labour government. Neither of the 3 mentioned are or were right wing, don't be silly now.
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/03/fundraiser-police-officer-killed-french-teen
  13. You stated that the right wing governments are responsible for BAME folk getting killed by the cops in France and the UK. I did some research as I found your accusations interesting and I found that under a Labour government over the same time period ( 13 years) more BAME folk were killed by shooting or in police custody than under a conservative government. So my question was, why do you think it's a right wing governments fault that the cops are killing BAME folk?
  14. Any chance you can explain your comment about right wing governments being responsible for deaths by the police after I showed you some figures earlier showing that's nonsense? Thanks
  15. Just as a matter of interest I've done some research.. Under the labour government 1997-2010 99 BAME Deaths by the police either by shooting or in custody. Under a conservative government 2010-2023. 71 BAME deaths by the police either by shooting or in custody... So can explain what you mean by it being the right wing governments fault? https://www.inquest.org.uk/bame-deaths-in-police-custody
  16. Sorry but you are talking absolute nonsense. So let me get this straight. You think it's the fault of right wing governments that feral youth go looting and robbing innocent people, even though since 2017 a liberal/ centrist president has been in power? Have I got that correct? Yes I am right wing, you are correct!! I believe that's still legal.
  17. Stop rioting, stop destroying,” the grandmother, named as Nadia, told BFMTV. “I say this to those who are rioting: do not smash windows, attack schools and buses. Stop. It’s mothers who take those buses.” The rioters, mostly minors, were “using Nahel as an excuse”, she said. Even the lads Grandmother knows the truth.
  18. Renaissance (RE) is a liberal and centrist political party in France. Founder and leader is Macron. In strict party-political terms, Macron is of the left. What makes you think France is right wing?
  19. In what way are the right responsible for the recent riots, looting and burning down of buildings in the America and France?
  20. Mark Duggan Ah yes, that lovable drug using, pistol carrying charmer. A budding lawyer,doctor or civil engineer, wouldn't hurt a fly. Amazing as to why folk riot, loot and burn buildings down in homage of these great ambassadors and pillars of society. I've no doubt whilst robbing Nike and Nokia stores their thoughts were often with Mark. But but. Iraq, Police, The UK...... The irony being that good old lovable Mark was probably only carrying a pistol to help protect him from the folk who were involved in the rioting and robbing of innocent people!! (In his honour of course)! You couldn't make it up.
  21. It's their political strategy! 😆😆😆😆 Disgraceful that the resident lefties are justify these folks buring down buildings and stealing from innocent people. Can't recall reading one post condemning it, just pathetic excuses trying to justify thousands of youths rampaging through parts of France destroying property and smashing up shops to loot designer goods. I am on other forums and it's similar. The France riots have hardly any resident lefties commenting on it because they know how disgraceful it is what's happening and they haven't got the balls to admit it, just the same pathetic excuses as on here. But France... But Police.. Now we have but Iraq!!!! But anything apart from the poor souls creating absolutely havoc. "Political strategy" is the best I've seen though. "The government is particularly concerned about places such as Borny erupting into violence because, like many other crisis-hit neighbourhoods in France, it has had millions of euros of public investment in urban renewal in recent years" So lack of funding as the left constantly blame for the reason for violence is also proven to be nonsense also. Any more excuses? What we are witnessing is a sign of things to come in Western Europe but the left will keep burying their heads in the sand.
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