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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. That's hilarious!! Thinking the looting of designer bags and phones is political!!! Brilliant. 😂😂😂
  2. Imagine trying to justify the looting and burning down of buildings, creating absolutely misery for completely innocent people. Disgraceful.
  3. Well they don't carry guns as part of their job so yes I understand that. But you knew that. Thought you would have been in France supporting the looters and arsonists with your placards.
  4. There are bad cops the world over but it's a tiny minority, just like there are bad teachers, plumbers, doctors etc. Are you in support of all the looting and burning down of buildings?
  5. Why are folk on the left trying to somehow justify this mindless violence and destroying innocent folks property? What on earth is wrong with you? Are you that incapable of taking your political blinkers off Oh, that's right, it's not affecting you is it. I've no doubt if it was your school you teach at or Citreon you drive up in flames you would be bothered, Forever shouting from the rooftops or with placards until it starts to affect you, then it's back home to close the doors and hide. Carry on defending the indefensible whilst the rest of society just ridicule and laugh at your pathetic attempts to somehow think this is ok. I despair.
  6. You reap what you sow. It's just sickening watching it and yet folk still try and justify it. Be different if it was their business going up in smoke.
  7. What an infantile individual you really are. Go and get drunk again with your 30 quid.
  8. Woodseats chap, but lived abroad on and off for the past 25 years due to work commitments. Hope to be back full time in the near future.
  9. Coming from you I will take that as a compliment. 👍
  10. My status is irrelevant. I admire folk who make something of their lives. Musk irritates wet wipes like you because he is smart and extremely wealthy and let's be honest, would tie you up in knots on almost any subject. Accept it. Still, you most probably admire folk who go around setting fire to stuff and robbing folk who have their own businesses. So sad.
  11. Aye, damn him for having an opinion, the absolute rotter. Folk dislike Musk because he is rich, successful and extremely smart.
  12. Better than petrol bombs though, although you may disagree, as long as they don't set fire to your property though, right.
  13. Aye because Musk never builds anything. 🙄
  14. Bore off. Just carry on justifying thug's and criminals destroying people's livelihoods and looting. It's easy to be all flippant when it doesn't affect you isn't it.
  15. Being up in arms and protesting is one thing, rioting, burning down buildings, looting and rampaging through towns and cities is another. It was as predictable as you finding it not surprising.
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