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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. One of the most enjoyable moments of Trump getting into the oval office was the thought of Ms Perlosi and her sanctimonious mates cringing with embarrassment after they promised he would never be president. They have been after him ever since.
  2. I could do. Maybe the guardian could do an article about men's health month being in june, guess they are too wrapped up with other things held in June. Amazing how some stories make more news than others eh.
  3. And away they go......Grrrrrrrr https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jun/22/the-greek-shipwreck-was-a-horrific-tragedy-yet-it-didnt-get-the-attention-of-the-titanic-story
  4. It's a measure of you as an individual that you don't have the courage or courtesy to admit when you are spectacularly incorrect, especially when accusing someone of promoting violence against others. I was completely ready to accept your apology and move on. I will refrain from reporting your post as I honestly don't think you are coherent right now.
  5. Why is that me promoting it? I am stating a fact, as confirmed by Mister M whilst we were discussing hate crimes. I implore you to read it again.
  6. Are you drunk or just being incredibly silly? First off... Please can you point out where I have said anything remotely like that in bold? If, as I expect you are unable to, I will expect an apology for that quite vile accusation. Again.. You are really struggling with the concept of a forum ain't you.
  7. I don't doubt you personally. My thoughts are well known but I will repeat. I truly believe it's the latest fashion to have rainbow flags everywhere and loads are jumping on the bandwagon regardless of their sexual preference. Regards the gender identity/ trans phenomenon, I think it's purely desperation for attention, not for all but for a large majority.
  8. I don't buy that at all, especially for the majority. Sorry.
  9. So you can't answer as to why you are fed up of hearing about LGBTQ/trans/gender identity? Just stirring it then? Ok, 👍
  10. Without doubt Farage likes to stir it up but there is also no doubt that he speaks a lot of common sense and millions agree with him.
  11. Couldn't the same be said of folk who are promoting the pride flag? Why the constant need to have it everywhere? I don't understand why it's so important to let the world know what your preferences are. Why do folk who identify as something they are not feel the need to tell everybody? I really don't think folk give a hoot. Insecurity and attention would be my guess.
  12. With respect you really do come across as a very angry bitter old man. You need to examine what a forum is by the way. Anyway, can you explain why you are fed up about hearing about the LGBTQ/trans/gender identity phenomenon?
  13. Why do folk who vote Conservative grind your gears, can't you just ignore them and get on with your life? See, easy this. You then state you are also fed up with hearing about it all, so then you agree it can be annoying? Unfortunately some folk will take it further and dish out abuse, either verbally or physically. I personally don't know one person who doesn't roll their eyes when the subject of gender identity/trans or the LGBTQ+++( the latest fashionable movement ) is brought up.
  14. If hate crimes against gay folk are indeed up, then in your opinion why do you think that is? Also remember that a hate crime nowadays is completely different to a hate crime 10 years ago so obviously there will be more. Isn't staring at a woman a hate crime these days or a wolf whistle? Do you not think that this fashionable explosion of LGBTQ++ and the amount of flags and publicity could be starting to grind people's gears, not to mention the ridiculous gender identity/trans debate?
  15. Silly man, Fox that is! Anyone burning a flag is just attention seeking moronic behaviour.
  16. It's 5 quid in Eastern Europe!!
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