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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jun/09/how-can-i-help-my-white-friend-understand-his-dating-preferences-are-racist More white bashing from the rag of racism. 🤡🤡🤡
  2. My guess would be that lots of folk agree with his policies, and the fact he just says what he thinks regardless of how popular it might be rather than being your typical say what the crowds wants you to say. Folk like that.
  3. I've no idea what you are blabbering on about. Sorry. I would enter but I can't unfortunately due to racism, however I wish you good luck. 👍
  4. Why are insecure young boys being taken in and why assume they are insecure? That's quite an assumption. He has millions upon millions of followers, are you assuming they are all being taken in? Who has said he is a genius by the way? I've said before, I think Tate is brash and would be high maintenance but he speaks a lot of sense. He says some things I don't agree with and absolutely he says things that are controversial for publicity but most of the videos I have seen are interesting and I can see why they resonate with so many. It's the same reason why Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan are so popular, folk relate to what they say. I own a Golden retriever and a Borsoi by the way just incase you missed it. Two of the most passive dogs around. 👍
  5. Do you honestly think they do? Comparing top shelf porn mags to internet onlyfans is just ridiculous. Do you think young girls watching and reading about these soft porn women on the internet with onlyfans accounts claiming to earn thousands of pounds per month will lead them open for exploitation? Why is nothing being said about this rather than the a few snippets from videos by Mr Tate, who in the main gives positive advice about bettering your life?
  6. I rest my case. I look forward to schools being concerned about onlyfans women who are selling their bodies for easy cash on the internet, as I've no doubt that's spreading a negative message to the young generation of girls. I won't hold my breath.
  7. Bingo. As I've mentioned before why are the women making money on onlyfans by doing soft porn immune from criticism as surely that's not a good example to young girls. Is that not a form of radicalism? Why are schools not concerned about this? Or is that empowering because it a woman? And why are incels ridiculed and made fun of? Shouldn't society be helping these lonely socially inept young men? Or is it ok to make fun of young boys? The hypocrisy is all over the place. I own a Golden retriever and a Borsoi by the way.
  8. I've no doubt beards and electric scooters are all the rage in S7? Especially around Machon Bank and Ladysmith, that epicenter of wannabe Bohemia.
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/jun/06/call-for-new-writers-of-colour-as-entries-open-for-the-4thwrite-short-story-prize The Dystopian world of the racist Guardian. No white people allowed to enter.
  10. If it was a woman, those traits would be seen as empowering. 🤔🤔
  11. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2023/jun/06/congrats-you-didnt-marry-the-wrong-guy-25-years-of-sex-and-the-city-nailing-life-as-a-single-woman How dare it be about white privileged women!!! 🤡🤡🤡🤡
  12. The narcism is quite something. It's borderline sick.
  13. I hope trump wins just to see these sanctimonious lefties look silly again.. https://youtube.com/shorts/Y_0iWOqDdBY?feature=share
  14. Absolutely!!! Places like Uganda and Qatar should do what the Western world says because it's all going so well and harmonious over here. 🙄🙄
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