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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2010/aug/06/surfers-sewage-pollution-blue-flag Sewage around under labour also. 👍
  2. "Refugees seriously injured on razor-wire fence UK helped build to keep asylum seekers out of EU" So you don't think that headline is their attempt to be negative about the UK? Come on now!
  3. But why have a bash at the UK when it's a border with Poland and Belarus? They can't help themselves. Like I said, any excuse to bash the UK.
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/may/27/refugees-hurt-dangerous-fence-uk-built-keep-asylum-seekers-out-of-eu-poland-belarus Congratulations on your new job by the way. 👍
  5. You are wrong. Bundy and Grey.....I like it, sounds like a law firm!! .
  6. Oh please.... What about that ridiculous story about the razor wire then? Why would they print that? Fair enough.
  7. Stirring what? Just discussing current news....is that not ok with you? Were you one of the naive folk who got fooled by it all?
  8. Well that's not true is it. I don't find it offensive. I find it absolutely pathetic that they try to find absolutely anything that shows the UK in a negative light, just like that ridiculous story yesterday about the razor wire. They are like petty mean children but want to come across as this bastion of equality and fairness. Their hypocrisy is astonishing. They have no shame.
  9. Extremely intelligent woman. I can't imagine the hate and amount of death threats she receives
  10. Strange how the lefties are more interested in attacking the poster highlighting these issues rather than addressing the rag printing them because they can't face up to one of their side writing and enabling such bile. How incredibly childish, but not surprising whatsoever.
  11. The more you read about that organisation the more you just can't believe folk fell for it all!! 😂😂
  12. I read most online papers. Just like highlighting racism, sexism, hypocrisy and exposing bitter and nasty columnists. 👍
  13. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/may/28/britain-world-beating-minimum-wage-is-not-as-good-as-it-appears If the UK found a cure for cancer and solved world peace the bitter children at the Guardian would find space to highlight a problem with it. They must be up all night searching for stuff to bash the UK for. Pathetic.
  14. I guess riding around with no helmets on and not stopping when the police are around is normal behaviour then. FFS And that's just what we know.
  15. Yep. Inconsiderate arseholes. I often find the more you complain, the worse they become. If someone knocked on my door and complained about the noise I was making I would be so embarrassed and make doubly sure I didn't make a sound for a while.... Today's society on the whole just do the exact opposite.
  16. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/may/27/refugees-hurt-dangerous-fence-uk-built-keep-asylum-seekers-out-of-eu-poland-belarus Another fine example of scraping the barrel trying to find something to bash the UK about. Pathetic.
  17. Can't see Byers starting. Maybe on the bench.
  18. The Guardian obviously think AI is a white middle aged straight man.
  19. Imagine being so naive that you not only fell for it, but actually donated to it. ðŸĪŠðŸĪŠ
  20. Good post. Regarding the bold I can assure you in Eastern Europe it's not even close. An example..... I was staying at my friend's house last night in a big city on the black sea coast and there is a supermarket in her neighbourhood open 24hrs. At any time of the day or night it's busy outside with kids, old folk playing chess drinking beer and not once has there ever been an issue. My friend ( female) could go there and walk through the middle of a group of teenagers and not even think about getting hassle and she is very attractive indeed. Another one.... A Bulgarian friend of mine has a teenage daughter. She got into a fight at school when she was 15 I think. The police came to see her parents and have a chat, and still to this day ( 6 years later) the shame of having a policeman turn up at his house causes him extreme embarrassment. The police over there are police, not social workers, you break the law, you know about it!! It's a completely different mind set over there, it's why I spend so much time in Eastern Europe. The UK is rough, proper rough and is only going to get worse, regardless of who is in government. Beautiful country ruined by feckless people. This case just highlights the issue. We have people actually trying to defend these ******** who will no doubt have caused mayhem and social disturbance for law abiding citizens. I despise them. You reep what you sow. The balloons and t-shirts for these parasites was as predictable as the outpouring of fake grief. RIP..... residents in peace.
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