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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Lock up the parents for 14 days if one of their feral offspring are caught terrorising residents?
  2. I've absolutely no doubt all these feral hoodlums creating havoc for other residents will be the salt of the earth little cherubs who would help anyone, had mental health issues and wanted to be either a lawyer or a doctor when they grow up.
  3. Can't make it unfortunately due to work reasons. Will be glued to a t.v somewhere in Romania. 😞
  4. Bingo. But awaits " no one has said you are not allowed". 🙄 NAZI!!! TRIGGERED!!! WHITE SUPREMACISTS!! i think INCEL!!!! is the latest buzzword as GAMMON is sooooo 2020. 😆😆
  5. Triggered 😆 Why do lefties always use that word as if it's a insult? You mean have an opinion on something? I love giving an opinion on things and so do most on here, it's what forums are for. Are you not triggered yourself to have taken the time to post your opinion? TRIGGERED!!!!!
  6. Well quite, and as we have evolved and now realise it was wrong, why revert back to racial prejudice? Really odd.
  7. Where's the outrage? I can only see people discussing it. Gammon though!! 😂 Aye ok then. 👍
  8. No one is saying anyone is excluded, it's more... Although organisers said on the theatre's website that 'no one is excluded', it has been made clear on promotional material that white people are not wanted at the production that night. What do you think the reaction would be if it urged black people not to attend? The swimming comparison is ridiculous by the way.
  9. Good god. Let me ask you this... If the roles were reversed, do you think it would be met with cries of racism? A simple yes or no will do.
  10. Yeah, that is funny, it's like the lefties supporting mass immigration from countries where women are second class citizens and have abhorant views on homosexuality. They are actually opening their arms to folk who completely go against everything they claim to despise. It's like they have absolutely no clue what they want. 🤪🤪 Awaits claims that the majority of immigrants are fleeing governments due to persecution because they are homosexual!! 😆
  11. Bingo. But everyone deep down knows that.
  12. Not sure what's funnier, the " avoid white gaze" statement or the fact that lefty white folk are straining their leftyness to breaking point and pretending they actually think it's ok!! 😂
  13. Think he was the first footballer I ever heard of. Remember me old man going on about his powerful shots!
  14. Where in New York? Used to live 78th and 2nd upper East side
  15. Truly awful. Absolutely despicable. Outrageous.
  16. If true, as it's hard to see on that video then hope he gets what's coming.
  17. Wanted Bolton, be much tougher against Barnsley
  18. In what way? Are you suggesting that children are not confused about their gender?
  19. What an absolutely fantastic day to be an owl. The whole sporting world is talking about one of the best comebacks in sporting history. Just wow.
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