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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. What a wonderful night to be an owl. Will live long in the memory will that!!!
  2. Oh my. What an unforgettable evening. Absolutely made up.
  3. Lots of famous people seem to live their lives without being in the news about something every other week. I don't suppose it helps with his wife being addicted to the limelight.
  4. If they had just gone to the states and lived a normal life I highly doubt they would to be honest.
  5. 😆 Aye, they play around at the back for ages and hardly move!
  6. Luton were absolutely fantastic last night. Played like they were on steroids!
  7. Has DM brought anyone in, improved them and are worth more?
  8. Start off attacking and miss a couple of half chances, Peterborough will score with their first chance HT 0-1. Peterborough will ease off, we shall score a couple. FT 2-1.
  9. High speed chase for two hours in New York!!! Aye, ok then. Still, I guess they need something to talk about on their next privacy interview. https://youtu.be/2N8_5LDkZwY 😂😂😂
  10. Much preferred Waaarrrrdddds myself! https://postimg.cc/62m4TNq1
  11. But how will it damage them? Seems a little melodramatic if you ask me.
  12. Indeed. I know of one boy that has changed his gender 3 times now. His parents know for a fact it's just for attention because he is an ugly soul who gets no attention. When he then said he wanted to be a girl he got so much attention and likes on social media. Within 12 months he got bored, found a girlfriend and went back to being a boy again. She left him about a year ago, he wants to be a girl again. And people actually are encouraging this behaviour for children. It's pathetic.
  13. Yep And they try to disguise it by pretending they really really really care about people, equality, fairness and tolerance. I will sum it up in a nutshell about who is the more violent and less tolerant... Who's window would have a brick thrown through it first....? A, the one with a vote labour poster displayed. B, the one with a vote conservative poster displayed. We all know the answer don't we.
  14. Sounds a bit North Korea that. And I know how much you hate fascists like that. When it suits though, eh?
  15. It's in their DNA I think. Either that or just pure frustration of being on the losing side.
  16. He has done more world tours than Elton John that lad. Britain isn't daft, neither are the others spending money, there will be contracts galore that stipulates we get something in return. Anyone thinking the USA or the UK didn't profit from the drugs trade in Afghanistan whilst at war to help pay for our involvement is very naive.
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