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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. No season ticket, mainly watch on ifollow as I work away most of the time.
  2. If DM stays, the fan base will be divided...as soon as we lose a game, it will become more toxic. He is a dead man walking, he has had his chances and failed in all 3 of them. ( Hope it's 2)!! I hold him part responsible for our relegation. We had many games to get out of it but failed miserably. I remember us playing Forest before that important match against Derby and Forest were on the beach but DM played for a draw. He plays not to win, but not to lose.
  3. Morning Annie. Can you specifically recall the Mail, Telegraph, Times or Financial times printing articles mentioning the race of folk when it's completely irrelevant?
  4. Blackstock road tip will be good for your requirements It will take you over an hour to queue up mind seeing as no one there directs cars into spaces and most people are too dim to work it out for themselves.
  5. Another nail salon or hairdressers would be my guess.
  6. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/13/daniel-penny-jordan-neely-defense-fund Just incase you were unaware.... The guardian wants you to know even though it's completely irrelevant.... One is white and the other is black. Can anyone tell me why they think this is important?
  7. There are 955 tickets available for sale as of this morning. Where did you read that thousands are being returned as I am genuinely interested?
  8. Your owner will earn the money, you as a fan will earn absolutely nothing. Now don't get me wrong, the Blades have all the bragging rights at the moment and fair play but is it just all about how much money your owner fills his pockets with....... seriously?
  9. It's class. Comedy at its finest, and the funniest part is that those involved don't realise it!! The more political it gets, the funnier it becomes!
  10. I just can't see a way back for him now If he does stay, the very first bad result next season will see it get toxic. He is a dead man walking. Shame.
  11. Regarding DM, I've absolutely no idea what our chairman will do. I know what he should do!! There will be no protests, just folk fuming on social media about the chairman, our fanbase is set in too much apathy for shoes coming off in the carpark. Big clear out required, could be a lean few years coming up.
  12. I can quite categorically ensure you, I am not the slightest tad worried about Mr Brewster. Just pointing out a fact. 👍
  13. With respect I would keep the laughing emojis a bit quiet if I was you because the signing of Brewster for the amount you paid has without doubt ensured you keep the " Pants down trophy" safe and sound in your moth eaten trophy cabinet for a very long time. 👍
  14. No coming back from last night. He has had his chances, such a shame it's not worked out.
  15. They got what they deserved. They were a disgrace from top to bottom. They played with no pattern, no brain and no real desire. I don't think it helps that most of the squad seem to be thicker than a castle wall.
  16. Still no comments on the aforementioned rag? Just still attacking the poster. Textbook. Don't read my posts if they upset you. 👍
  17. I think you will find most are not. I am not surprised mental health is rising at an alarming rate, especially amongst the younger generation. The poor souls only used to have to worry about whether to take French or German at school, now they are getting brainwashed into wondering whether they are a boy or a girl. Desperate times.
  18. Semi retired. Hobby..... rescuing cats and dogs and trying to find them homes. No comments about the aforementioned rag as per usual, just lame attacks on the poster. Textbook.
  19. https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/news/2023/03/chatgpt-has-left-wing-bias-in-stemwijzer-voting-quiz Surprise surprise.
  20. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/12/jordan-neely-nyc-subway-death-daniel-penny-manslaughter-second-degree "Penny, who is white and a former US marine, was initially detained and questioned by police immediately after the incident but was released without charges." Those horrible race baiters making it a black and white issue again even though it's absolutely irrelevant. A few things the guardian failed to mention... A New York City police spokesperson told Newsweek that Neely's record has 42 prior arrests, dating between 2013 and 2021. They include four for alleged assault, while others involved accusations of transit fraud and criminal trespass. At the time of his death, Neely had one active warrant for an alleged assault in connection with a 2021 incident.
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