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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. To summarize.. Lefties are the biggest problem facing the Western world!! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
  2. Rape? When was he charged with that? That's quite an accusation to be throwing around without any proof. Can you provide your evidence please,?
  3. It's killing you that I am correct. Don't fight it, just accept it. πŸ‘
  4. You are completely missing the point. And why would they? It's only the guardian that seems to have an obsession with people's race.. when it suits of course. That's my point.
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/may/11/eight-men-on-trial-accused-of-grooming-and-abusing-girls-in-rochdale No mention of the race of these monsters. Just men. Wonder why.?
  6. To be fair krappy Kamala also said she believed that vile racist individual Jussie Smollett. She is absolutely useless.
  7. Hi Annie. Maybe it's because of his policies. Let's not gloss over the fact that Trump is neither the first or last president that has trouble keeping his pants up for too long. The Kennedy family, especially JFK and Bobby are put on a pedestal but they were serial cheaters and womanisers, Clinton was another one. I truly believe that to be a leader of any country, especially the USA, one has to be a type of individual, incredibly thick skinned, aloof, cocky and have oodles of self confidence that on occasions steps over the boundaries, it doesn't make it right but I think that's a fact. As I've mentioned before I think Trump is a far from a perfect individual but maybe folk see through that because they agree with what he says, he obviously appeals to millions of folk. I am not saying I am correct but I have doubts about this lady that has made these allegations against Trump. Let's not be naive and pretend she was some meek sweet girl from next door, she was a prominent individual who loved to make a scene about what she believes in as a previous posted has pointed out earlier. Why didn't she make a big deal about it back then? No doubt if it's not all about money she will donate it to charity, just like Amber Heard said she would, oh, she lied about that didn't she!! Women also tell lies you know. Just this past 12 months there have been high profile cases where the lady has been proved to be telling porkies.. Amber Heard. The girls who falsely claimed a premier League football player had raped them. The recent case of that young lady lying about being groomed and abducted by Asian men in Batley, it hardly does the #believeallwomen movement much good does it. Trump will get what he deserves if found guilty on all these charges that are against him, I mean the people he embarrassed by becoming president have been after him for the last 7 years ever since he made them look like fools.
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/11/toe-curlingly-bad-television-trumps-torturous-town-hall-backfires-on-cnn All you need to know about the racist Guardian. Trump called the police officer a thug, didn't mention his race.... but according to the Guardian... "Trump called a Black police officer a β€œthug”. Their quench for race baiting is disgraceful. I don't know how they get away with it.
  9. I find it odd that there is no video evidence of a plane hitting the pentagon.
  10. Is Donald trump a bit of a dick.....yes. Is Donald Trump being hounded and facing a complete witch-hunt because of his political views and because he made very important people look absolute fools by winning the presidential election...... absolutely. Anyone who is incapable of seeing this is blind.
  11. This.... All day long. Just something else to get worked up about.
  12. That's because she isn't black! Indeed.
  13. What a numbskull!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  14. Derby were awful. Harsh sending off but it was a penalty even though Marvin made a meal of it. Wish we had them in the playoffs.
  15. Keep yer wits about you. Hated going to Birmingham, always a few knackers wanting a fight and I've no doubt there will be a few hanging around awaiting your arrival.
  16. Was really hoping we would be playing Derby in the playoffs as I think they are poor and we have their number. Peterborough will be much tougher. Their ground is tight, will be packed and they will attack us from the off and have a couple of pacy players who can do damage, I fear a loss at their ground 3-1. They will come out of the blocks and pen us in, our defence needs to be on top form. I fancy us at home but not by 2 goals. We should have let a Derby equaliser in.
  17. I am conflicted. Let's see how it goes over the next few weeks
  18. Crikey, their hypocrisy is astonishing. Forever going on about misogyny and how women are looked down upon, yet when it suits their narrative it's ok to make fun of numerous women. They get themselves into such a state they forget about what they stand for. Just a snippet...... "Penny Mordaunt, widely considered to have stolen the show with her sword-holding prowess, was dressed in a bespoke outfit which some said bore a striking resemblance to the colour and logo of the bargain-basement high street chain Poundland" 🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑 https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/may/07/headstrong-horses-and-cumbersome-crowns-the-coronations-lighter-side
  19. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/may/07/coronation-concert-review-a-cobbled-together-bunch-of-b-listers And just to cap off their bitterness and spite! What a pathetic childish organisation they are.
  20. Says the bloke who is on here more than most!! πŸ˜‚
  21. https://www.theguardian.com/international State of those bitter miserable updates... " They chanted then the police took their megaphones" Brilliant... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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