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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. But then we would have no surgeons, graphic designers and engineers. 🙄
  2. I am guessing a couple of middle class white folk named, Sage, and Milo being offended on behalf of black people might have. Sage and Milo!!!!! FFS 😂😂😂
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/may/04/high-street-sales-boost-uk-party-fare-coronation-spending Crikey, when that anti Royal rag the Guardian is giving the coronation some kudos you just know it must be good. Estimated 1.4 billion to be spent by consumers and tourist..... Gosh, it must have absolutely killed them having to print that. 🙂
  4. But Daily Telegraph.... Rather than condemn the Guardian for it's blatant racism, sexism and vile division tactics, you would rather lazily spout about what others have done!! Your political bias is spectacular, I will give you that. Surprised at you to be honest, thought you were better than that.
  5. It was mentioned on another thread. I am just glad that more and more folk are seeing the Guardian for what is it.
  6. Back to their racist ways. Mentioning the race of those involved. "He put him a hold that you can only apply from behind,” James said. “The white guy did it out of aggression to a homeless person, and he [Neely] had no chance of defending himself.” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/03/jordan-neely-death-new-york-city-subway No mention of the chap protecting passengers from the victims aggressive nature though. Cretins.
  7. He gets a bit giddy this time of night, I wouldn't worry.
  8. Can you post a link stating that please?
  9. Indeed. The other week I popped into Gregg's at Norton retail park and needed the loo. Unfortunately they were out of use as school kids had smashed them up. The staff lady said it was a common occurrence.
  10. Bile like that is not my thing, I've grown up.
  11. To be honest, I would rather do my business in the woods rather than in some disgraceful petrol station toilet that hasn't been cleaned for days. They are up there with the toilets on trains. Disgusting.
  12. They sound absolutely lovely folk. Their mother would be reyt proud.
  13. Bet he would be absolutely gutted.
  14. Right there, yet again. Can't help yourself can you. It's got nothing to do with your supposed stance.
  15. I like you as a poster but your bitterness, resentment and obvious distain about the coronation is poking its head above your attempts to be eloquently diplomatic.
  16. Each to their own.. Sitting on the throne after a lamb vindaloo fills me with dread!!
  17. I went to to Marseille the other week looking for the Eiffel tower as even though it's in Paris. Can't believe those frenchies misled me. Off to Naples to see the Vatican next.
  18. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/may/02/how-does-the-coronation-look-from-the-us-like-the-final-straw-for-brand-britain More bitterness from our racist friends. “You’ve always said that it’s so embarrassing that we pledge allegiance to a flag,” my American wife said triumphantly when that hit the headlines. “Now you have to pledge allegiance to a king!” More frothing and lying. Who has to pledge an allegiance?
  19. You are assuming that the guests want to be there, some flying halfway round the world when they would just rather be at home watching the t.v. Regardless of how much cash these folk have, they will all still have similar issues, health, relationships, milk cartons that don't open correctly... Having gowns and posh underwear doesn't make you immune.
  20. Love the snap in spoons. Proper value for money.
  21. Not to me. It does to the Guardian though, which I have proved time and time again.
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