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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Woke is nothing like what it originally meant. It's now a term used for those who pretend to be all caring and taking the moral high ground but doing absolutely nothing different to those who are not. It's for folk who have some inner guilt about something they have done in the past, it's why they shout about it in the vain hope that it will make them feel better about themselves. It's quite amusing to watch.
  2. A Texan man according to the Guardian.... Well, I guess we now know he wasn't a white man.
  3. Do you roughly know what the figure is then, per head? I can't find any other figure.
  4. I think Peterborough away would be a more difficult game than either Derby or Bolton for us. Small tight ground, pacy forwards going at us relentlessly, loud crowd......give me Bolton anyday.
  5. Fair enough. So if you really really wanted to join the police or serve in the military you wouldn't because you would have to take an oath? Seriously?
  6. I don't really know to be honest. I have no problems with there being a monarchy at all but I wouldn't say I am a big royalist. I would rather have them than not I guess as it affects me in no way shape or form and I do love the grandiose pomp of it all. Just looked it up actually.... British citizens are not British subjects as defined by the 1981 Act. In other Commonwealth countries that still retained it, British subject status under the previous definition was progressively abolished.
  7. Have you been to Thailand or are you just assuming that because of something you have read?
  8. Thanks for the reply, and I respect your view, but on a personal level is more of what I am asking. What difference would it make to your life if there was no monarchy? Surely the 1.29p it costs per year for each tax payer wouldn't make any difference.
  9. Not sure if its intentional,but that's actually an incredibly funny post, on so many levels! 👍
  10. That's quite the image you have conjured up. Yeah, your right, fighting in muddy ditches is definitely not my forte, so without question they would be ten times better than me. Naked mud wrestling however........
  11. It's so funny watching all the frothing about taking an allegiance. An allegiance that literally no one is asking them to take!!! 😂
  12. Can someone explain to me, preferably one who is anti monarchy...... How would not having a monarchy change your life in anyway, shape or form?
  13. Comes with the territory of being a lefty. Trying to out do each other with their virtue signalling. Thing is, they are constantly moaning about anything and everything that they forget what they were angry about in the first place and it leads to barneys. 😉😉 Hopefully their attention will now turn to me.... I will take one for the sake of harmony!
  14. Rest.. Bannan. Gregory. Patterson. Smith. Johnson. Palmer. Give Windass 45. It's a dead rubber.
  15. Mad isn't it. If you don't want to enjoy it or celebrate it, dont but let others enjoy it without abuse.
  16. Especially when they embarrass the likes of Nancy ( multimillionaire) Perlosi.
  17. Can we preach to woke Harry about his carbon footprint? A woke hypocrite, what a shock!!! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12030341/Prince-Harrys-flying-visit-Coronation-Duke-plans-Archies-fourth-birthday.html
  18. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/30/sudan-final-uk-flight-leaves-as-evacuation-operation-ends So everything got sorted then. So the Guardian and the left were just frothing and trying to create hysteria for nothing. Go figure.🤡
  19. Since 1900 – when Labour was formed – the party has only won eight out of 32 general elections. In the 121 years since the turn of the last century, only three Labour leaders have won general elections. During the same period, 10 Conservative leaders have won general elections. The Tory party has been the dominant party in power for over a century. You would think it would be the other way around seeing as the Labour party offer this utopian society. It's as if folk can see through their false promises. 🙄
  20. Let's have another go at straight men day in the guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/apr/30/my-husband-wont-lift-a-finger-to-help-me-should-i-stay-or-go No mention whether the man is watching TV or relaxing because he is tired from working all day.... Na, he is just the problem. Meanwhile hating hoovering and washing towels is not frowned upon here, let's give this chap some free publicity for his album!! https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/apr/30/sunday-with-tom-rasmussen-i-hate-washing-my-towels They just can't see their bias can they. Even that dumb to print a picture of a man lifting his feet up so the woman can clean, then printing an article directly below promoting the music of a man even though he states he hates hoovering and washing. Outstanding work! 😂😂🤡🤡
  21. Absolute parasites ain't they. As if people were saying "kick him to death" How people can defend this organisation is beyond me, it really is. They are a disgrace.
  22. State of this.... https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/apr/29/the-crowd-were-saying-kill-him-kick-him-to-death-what-happened-to-the-people-who-protested-against-king-charles
  23. I read most papers online. Glad you agree it's disgusting though. 👍
  24. Iorfa in Flint out is my only concern. Chey Dunkley is 12-1 to score at any time. Worth a punt if he starts.
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