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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/info/2023/apr/29/removed-article They have removed the cartoon. One is guessing that their disgraceful articles are now catching up on them.
  2. My guess is nothing really. Just stamping his feet like a spoilt teenager.
  3. It's no surprise though is it. They are absolutely disgusting with their racism and anti semitic bile Yet folk will still defend them because they are on " my side" They are abhorrent.
  4. Millions upon millions will enjoy it. Those that don't have every right to not, just don't try and stop those that do or being all negative about it eh. It would be like me turning up at a labour party conference, or protesting about the Eurovision song contest because I think it's crap. I just wouldn't do it.....but then again I am not a miserable arse that gets a kick out of ruining others enjoyment.
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/29/biden-trump-2024-polls-old-white-men More racism and sexism. Disgraceful. My thoughts exactly. Just do something else, watch a movie or go out walking or something rather than gleefully trying to ruin a day that millions upon millions will enjoy. Just typical lefties.....trying to ruin something because they don't like it. How pathetic.
  6. They must be up all night in the editors office trying to find anything negative about the UK. They are like pathetic children.
  7. The left, especially the guardian straining at the leash with absolutely glee that someone maybe left behind. I've no doubt they will be having their daily circle jerk if spot the dog who spent 3 days in the UK at some point fails to get on a flight.
  8. Until it's mathematically impossible to get autos, we play the strongest team and he will today at Shrewsbury. The time to rest and experiment will be from 5pm today. Think it will be a turgid 1-1 today.
  9. When I am in Sheffield I go to the home games but my work sees me overseas often so I watch all the games on ifollow.
  10. No. I've absolutely no idea. Enlighten me.
  11. And they wonder why folk take a dislike to them. To be honest I think they quite enjoy being disliked, it helps with their " victim" bullshine.
  12. As erudite as ever. You never fail to amuse.
  13. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/apr/27/king-charles-coronation-cinema "In fact it should only be shown in cinemas, because that way all the people who actually like that rubbish will all be in one place and I’ll be able to go about my day unimpeded." They are absolutely livid, can't cope!! What a bunch of absolute wet wipes!!! 🤡🤡🤡
  14. Anything from here on in is a bonus for me. I am already resigned to another year in league one. Whoever we get in the playoffs we shall try for a 0-0 in the away leg and get beat by a late winner at Hillsborough.
  15. There is no end to their childish behaviour... I mean, do they stay up all night wondering what they can be negative about the royals or the UK? https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/apr/27/prince-william-ivory-on-display-kensington-palace
  16. I am pointing out the "what a bout" Boris statement. "Compare the blond Etonian to Britain’s first black woman MP, and you see how racist and sexist 21st-century century Britain remains. No matter how great the sin, how brazen the deceit, how lethally complacent the politician, he gets to come back again and again, and fills his pockets while doing so" Still, it's the guardian, it's all about race obviously!!! 👍
  17. But but but Boris.. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/apr/27/diane-abbott-racism-letter-racial-politics Even Sheffield gets a mention, whether it's true or not however.....
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