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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. That's ridiculous. Got 5 years written all over that crime. There has to be more to it than spitting, surely?
  2. Glad to hear it. I would sort out your principles though, the eco mob wouldn't take too kindly with leaving an engine running unnecessarily. Tut tut.
  3. There would have been plenty of space at Wembley last Saturday. 🙂
  4. Engine running!!!!! Thought you were an environmentalist? 😉
  5. Why would you do that? Wouldn't leaving your car doors open drain your battery?
  6. No doubt you will be promoted and fair play but please don't take this personally when I say I hope the baggies absolutely pump you tonight. 😉 My bet would be a 1-1
  7. I like DM. Don't like his tactics though, and let's be honest his recruitment is quite dog poo. He seems to have a tendency to recruit folk who have certain issues with their attitude and he thinks he can rehabilitate them, my guess is that he can't. If we fail to go up, he should be relieved of his duties, without doubt. Ah right. 👍
  8. I am surprised Sadiq ain't told them to bring tea and biscuits for them. Herbal tea and vegan biscuits of course!
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/apr/26/anti-monarchy-pressure-group-optimistic-amid-coronation-apathy More bitterness and a needless mention of age and race. They are disgraceful. "At least 10 of those present were journalists, including a Japanese TV news camera crew, and the sense of a not-entirely-youthful and largely white audience of the converted being preached to was hard to avoid."
  10. Same old thing. The left are too busy twisting about anything and everything that they forget what they were complaining about, thus tying themselves into a barrel full of knots only veteran sailor would be proud of.
  11. Obviously not. A rally in Sheffield and Glastonbury is hardly a ringing enforcement is it. Be like saying Boris Johnson got a rousing reception at the young conservatives convention.
  12. Playoffs it is then. I hope it's Bolton as I fear we would get beaten at Derby and definitely at Peterborough. What a absolutely mess we have made of it.
  13. No. I just like highlighting racism, sexism, nonsense and pure hatred for fellow humans. The left don't like it being pointed out when it's their side doing it. There are numerous threads pointing out grievances about the right, so why not the left? Is that a problem?
  14. Aye, that's the one. A leftie with zero tolerance for anyone who thought differently........who wudda thought it. The tolerance party!!! 🙄🙄
  15. Yes, let's stick to the important things.. 😂 Just remember we are evolving how we define ourselves. It's quality. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/apr/25/what-does-it-mean-to-be-sexually-fluid
  16. Sorry Anna but that post is just littered with paranoia and extreme exaggeration of his popularity. "The young voters loved him and backed him wholeheartedly, as did most of the rapturous crowds who saw him live" Where did you steal that line from, the Che Guevara fan club?
  17. They just can't hide their glee can they.... Why are they so bitter about the UK? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/25/uk-finds-itself-at-back-of-the-queue-in-sudan-evacuation
  18. If you can show me links that show either of the aforementioned publications to be of a racial bias....for example, printing the race of a particular shooter but excluding the race of others, then I will be happy to. In fact, can you post a link that shows their blatant racism or sexism on a scale to that of the self appointed champions of equality The Guardian?
  19. You have proven my point about the Guardian. Didn't they just acknowledge some guilt because of links to the slave trade? Thanks for pointing this out and finally coming around to seeing my point after highlighting their disgraceful racism on numerous occasions. 👍
  20. I wouldn't worry. The word racist is thrown around like confetti at a wedding and has been watered down so much by those relentlessly using it for anything or at anyone that dares to oppose a left wing narrative.
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