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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. They are applauded by the massive majority It's only probably about 1% of the population who vilify it, and you will find that they all look alike. Ugly, pink hair, no life etc etc.
  2. My opinion is that it's awful. Why do you think the hate crimes are on the rise? I am guessing that certain types like this cretin who are fighting for the rights for children to decide if they can have surgery to change their gender isn't helping. I guess child abuse is ok for the likes of them. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/24/montana-republicans-silence-transgender-lawmaker
  3. Steady on. You will be the one attacked for pointing out racism, rather than the actual racists.
  4. Why would it be a privilege, as a man, to go into a men's prison? Or am I missing something?
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/24/breonna-taylor-officer-myles-cosgrove-hired Back to mentioning the race of the shooters, wonder why? Racists.
  6. Crikey. I will give that a read next time I have a few hours spare.. 😉
  7. And yet we have the nerve to tell other countries how they should live their lives!!! 🤡🤡
  8. So why are the trans folk always shouting about trans rights if they have the same rights as me? Every single person walking the planet would like to be free from harassment, trans are no more special than anyone else are they? What other rights are violated? To be honest I couldn't give a hoot what people want to be, but don't expect me to call you something you are not. Why should other people accept and call them by their new chosen identity when the person demanding you do, was unable to accept theirs in the first place? Sounds a bit like bullying...😉 The Trans movement is now becoming like a crazed religious sect and certain fractions are doing more harm than good.
  9. Maybe it's just folk making a mountain out of a molehill? The word " bullying" has been watered down so much that any form of discipline handed out by a peer is now deemed as such.
  10. Can anyone tell me what rights, as a male, I have that a trans person doesn't? Genuine question.
  11. Well, I am assuming what with being a Sir, he is rather privileged.
  12. All those folk straining to put at negative on St George's day. 😂😂😂
  13. It's no surprise the Guardian gleefully printed this absolute moronic racist diatribe. Racism is black and white Tomiwa Owolade claims that Irish, Jewish and Traveller people all suffer from “racism” (“Racism in Britain is not a black and white issue. It’s far more complicated”, Comment). They undoubtedly experience prejudice. This is similar to racism and the two words are often used as if they are interchangeable. It is true that many types of white people with points of difference, such as redheads, can experience this prejudice. But they are not all their lives subject to racism. In pre-civil rights America, Irish people, Jewish people and Travellers were not required to sit at the back of the bus. In apartheid South Africa, these groups were allowed to vote. And at the height of slavery, there were no white-seeming people manacled on the slave ships. Diane Abbott House of Commons, London SW1
  14. No surprise really. Just yet another hypocritical race baiting moron.
  15. Watching rich people fail, especially the likes of Musk is one of the few things that the left actually enjoy. Case in point. https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2023/apr/21/stephen-colbert-elon-musk-rocket-explosion-jimmy-kimmel Body shaming now..... No worries, it's only a bloke.
  16. We are breeding a society of complete wet wipes, an entitled society that has everything done for them and the second something goes wrong it's always someone else's fault. They call it progressive, the regular folk call it clown world. It will come back and bite us on the backside eventually. Thank goodness I will be long gone.
  17. That first 60 minutes was up there with the FGR performance, absolutely insipid and quite frankly pathetic considering what's on offer. Kudos for the last 30 when at least some movement and brain was applied.
  18. It should be at Villa park or Anfield. It's an absolute disgrace it being a wembley, the atmosphere is terrible and the empty seats are an embarrassment for the F.A. No blame at all to the support of both teams.
  19. I knew some blades were going down in fancy dress but didn't realize so many had gone as red plastic seats! 😉
  20. Makes you wonder why they keep losing doesn't it. For a party that promises so much I just don't understand why they keep coming second. It's almost as if folk can't see through em. Still, they deserve a chance at the next election.
  21. Apparently Randian virtues are.... Rationality, independence, integrity, honesty, justice, productiveness, and pride.
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