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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. It's a forum. It's what people do. At least you didn't say triggered, so kudos for that. 👍
  2. Oh I am sure. Just pointing out that folk are still going on holiday and unessential spending is up 11% this year compared to last and every airport I go to is always packed. Yet all we hear is that folk are struggling!
  3. It's funny that they are sticking up for a publication that does nothing but race bait and make almost everything about race, yet when someone points this out, they attack me!! Identity politics at its best, or just plain hypocrisy.
  4. I've said many times on here that many of the current government are useless, many of them are no longer there. I didn't want Brexit, it was a mistake.
  5. No. I just like fair reporting that's not racist or sexist But I wouldn't expect you to understand that notion. You hypocrite.
  6. People are spending more on holidays despite finances being squeezed by the cost of living, travel agents say. Several holiday companies and tour operators said demand was high with bookings surging in early January. 👍
  7. Who's worried? The government is selected by the electorate but the losers will do everything they can to disrupt. I am no Brexit fan, but accepted the result, rather than stamp my feet and demand a new vote. Hang on, I thought the government was voted in because of the newspapers being right wing? I wish the left would make their minds up.
  8. It's just another witch hunt against the government, just like the strikes. Deep down we all know that though.
  9. Is it a problem for you that a white man talks about racism? Why is that?
  10. More attacks by the left on someone highlighting blatant racism. Your hypocrisy is outstanding.
  11. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/21/north-carolina-shooting-robert-singletary-basketball No mention of his race, or assumptions it might be a racist shooting in this case though........mmmm, i wonder why? However, it seems like the Guardian are seeing the error of their racist ways because in that same article they mention the case of the 16 year old lad getting shot by that elderly man without mentioning the race of either.. He is now just a man, NOT a white man "The shootings with which Singletary has been charged came six days after Ralph Yarl, 16, was shot in a separate and unrelated case by a man after ringing the man’s doorbell in Kansas City, Missouri." Fair play to them. Maybe they have received many complaints about racial bias?
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/apr/21/manchester-city-fans-anti-racist-badge-slavery Still straining.... Can't let it go can they!!!! He is embarrassed to wear the shirt!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂. But still does.... 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
  13. Got a bit miffed at the beginning there. Can't help liking the bloke though. Just wish he wasn't so bloody negative tactics wise.
  14. Lefty with no sense of humour or fun. Gee, what a shock! 😉
  15. I really don't think Citeh will win by too many, maybe 2-0 or 3-0. If utd did win it would be one of the all-time cup upsets. I have good friends heading down and i want them to have a great time but obviously I am torn because if utd did win, us owls would never hear the last of it! Regards the more important game.....😉 Can see us getting a nervy 1-0 win. Hope all you blades have a safe journey down! 👍
  16. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/apr/21/will-the-coronation-bring-a-tourism-bonanza-or-drive-them-all-away Absolutely straining every sinew they have to put a negative slant on it. What the hell is wrong with these people? I don't like the Eurovision song contest. Imagine me going all in and saying how crap it was and I think it's poo therefore I hope it's miserable and it fails!!! Their bitterness and misery is absolutely frightening.
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