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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Didn't do that sanctimonious lefty Justin Trudeau any harm.
  2. Much better first half, but that second half was utter tripe, what on earth do they do all week at training? Our strike force is so fecking slow, it couldn't be more league one could it!! That Plymouth goal was an absolute dagger in the back side.
  3. Indeed, along with Barnsley and Charlton, the best side I've seen at Hillsborough this season.
  4. Can't see anything other than a Bristol win. It will be the same turgid slow paced tactics with the hope of something falling for a striker after a hoof forward. 2-1 rovers. I wonder if both Sheffield teams have played both Bristol teams on the same day?
  5. Complaining yes, miserable and unhappy no. I do spend a considerable amount of time out of the UK though.
  6. Can you find a post that clarifies your accusations that I am a racist or sexist please?
  7. Please find any post of mine that is racist or sexist and kindly repost it. If you can find one I will review it and offer my apologies if it is deemed as such.
  8. Like what? Yes it riles me that parasites like him ruin people's experiences in which they have probably paid lots of money for, money which they have likely worked really hard for, unlike that dick who begs for money.
  9. Racism, sexism and inequality does wind me up, it's disgraceful. Being a leftie, I am really surprised you don't agree with me, quite revealing to be honest. Anyway......This says all you need to know about that parasite who ruined the enjoyment for millions last night... "Despite being an undergraduate, Whittingham crowdfunds to support his eco-protests, urging people to donate by saying: 'I have been arrested six times in one year and have spent a week in prison. Help me stay afloat. My living costs are quite low, and any support you can offer means I can focus on my activism rather than needing to get a job in a pub!' There are calls for Exeter University to throw him out. His website begs for one-off donations, but also offers four levels of monthly subscriptions ranging from £5 per month to £50 - with incendiary titles such as 'Criminal Damage' - to pay for his phone bills and weekly groceries and for access to 'exclusive posts'". Absolute parasite.
  10. You sound like a bitter old man that begrudges anyone that has done well in life. What went wrong for you and why do you assume I have a comfortable life?
  11. All the daffodils and tulips coming up.
  12. I would love to know the reason why the left news outlets are giving wall to wall coverage of this shooting. This weekend alone there has been 38 shootings in Chicago. 4 killed in Alabama. But let's concentrate on a senile 85 year old white man who shot a black man. Can anyone give me a reason why CNN are showing rolling news on that story as opposed to the others? My opinion is that it's nothing more than trying to stir up racial hated. Anyone else have a view?
  13. Calm down. The snooker didn't affect me personally one iota as I wasn't watching it. So you think the protesters would stop if we raise taxes? You seriously can't be that naive, are you!
  14. Can you imagine the outrage from the human rights wet wipes if poor little Joshua had the birch!! 😂😂
  15. I bet you also KNOW that lots of white folk also get killed by cops but I bet you don't spout off about that do you. I bet you also KNOW that lots of black folk shoot other blacks and white folk but I bet you don't spout off about that do you? Why not? Why do you think the left wing outlets only mention the race of the shooter when they are white?
  16. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/17/black-kansas-city-teen-shot-wrong-address They mention the race of the shooter and are assuming it's a racist act. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/16/alabama-shooting-birthday-party-dadeville No mention of the race of the shooter here... Mmmmm....I wonder why? 🙄
  17. It's strange because these parasites destroy works of art and ruin folks enjoyment. I despise them.
  18. And people defend them. That's the weird part. Another parasite ruining the enjoyment of millions. I bet they never protest at a boxing event.
  19. Seeing as there is a law stating " stand your ground" then I would suggest the same, until an investigation is complete.
  20. It's getting silly now isn't it. Someone will get seriously hurt soon. It needs dealing with,and quick. You have spelt birch incorrectly. It's "lengthy jail sentence"
  21. Well certain news outlets seem to already believe it was a racist attack. No surprise who though....
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