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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Well certain news outlets seem to already believe it was a racist attack. No surprise who though....
  2. Why would anyone just shoot someone in the head for knocking on their door? Got to be more to it than that, surely?
  3. Makes you wonder what the hell they are doing with the 165 billion budget doesn't it.
  4. Blades will go up automatic. Owls will lose in the play off final to Barnsley.
  5. Oh, great. 🤦🤦🤦🤦
  6. That sums it up perfectly. They have absolutely no plan. Just protesting for protesting sake and trying to ruin the enjoyment of millions. Parasites.
  7. Anything and everything is now a problem for the permanently outraged in the West. We are creating a society of absolute wet wipes. They will not be happy until the rest of us are as miserable as they are.
  8. No doubt by June the protesters will have found another bandwagon to climb onto or crusade to join to show they really really really care.
  9. Not just America mate. The Western world seems to think it has the right to preach about how other countries should live their lives!!! This coming from a society that is so screwed up it has record mental health issues in its younger generation and has problems telling you what a woman is!! 🤡🤡🤡
  10. No. I myself spend much time helping stray cats and dogs. You are missing the point. I think you will find that most folk love animals, but most folk don't go out of their way to ruin millions upon millions of folks enjoyment. See you next year when it's in the news again. 👍
  11. Aye, I am sure there is absolutely no bias on that website whatsoever. 🙄
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/apr/17/bbc-accused-of-lacking-impartiality-in-royal-coverage More protests from rent a mob now wanting to ruin the enjoyment of millions of people and being promoted by the gutter Guardian (who are the masters of impartially) 😂 I wonder who they asked to get the 15% figure? No doubt the grand national protesting parasites will be getting out of their beds for this one. Is there anything that makes these people happy in the UK? Why don't they just move somewhere else ?
  13. But quite happy to tell others what they should do though. What a surprise. To coin a phrase from those miserable parasites trying to ruin the day for millions of folk.... " Shame on you"
  14. Thick as a castle wall is hypocrite Kay. She probably thinks Haydock is somewhere to store straw.
  15. They are not real activists. Just typical spoilt westerners who are bored and want to make folk as miserable as they are. I truly despise them.
  16. They will win eventually because it will become too much hassle and the race will be moved to another country. Be another popular sporting event that's ruined by the spoilt, bored, foot stomping perma outraged crew.
  17. It will be forgotten about until next year when the bored arseholes try and ruin a marvelous event for millions upon millions of people.
  18. What a drama queen!! 😂 The UK especially cares for poorly animals more than probably the rest of the planet. The protesters are protesters first and foremost and their cause is secondary. Their whole point yesterday was to ruin the enjoyment of millions of people and thankfully they failed miserably. Absolute parasites.
  19. In general I agree, but on flights kids should be given anything that stops them screaming and running up and down the aisle ruining the flight for everyone else. If this fails then their parents should be banned from flying.
  20. The receptionists hold the power and it's disgraceful. Last year I needed a repeat prescription for a condition I have ( cluster headaches) but was told that because I hadn't seen a doctor for two years this was impossible unless I had a new appointment to renew my prescription. The next available appointment was 3 weeks, by which time my head attacks had stopped so I had to suffer without my pills. 3 weeks ago, my attacks started again so I rang my doctors, explained my situation and she said. " No problem I will order you a repeat prescription" It's farcical. They make it up as they go.
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