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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. DM had plenty of games to get us points to stop relegation. He failed.
  2. Need more information. Was it loud, smelly, obnoxious etc etc. Without these important facts it's hard to give an accurate answer.
  3. All in on a Rovers win. We are a busted flush.
  4. I can imagine it because Ive already seen him get us relegated from it.
  5. If he did come into the dressing room and have a go, which is possibly true, then it just shows how mentally weak our players are. We are carrying a group of about 5-6 players who are going through the motions and it's painful to watch.
  6. They should try anything to curb the rising of crime, drugs and murders in these democrat run states.
  7. Rotten performance yet again, just hoofing it forward and Hoping for the best. What a Monumental screw up!!
  8. FFS. What different would you have done?
  9. Indeed. It's all about working conditions remember. Because they really care about your safety!! 🙄
  10. Bannan. Palmer was having a really good season until about 4 weeks ago but Bannan is just relentless with his man of the match performances.
  11. After their day working as a nurse, doctor or engineer I've no idea how they have the time or energy to be fighting each other.
  12. And predictability the only ones who are not laughing are the Guardian. Their pain at musk's roast of the bbc is so transparent https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/apr/12/bbc-elon-musk-sense-of-humour-twitter 😂😂😂 Just for good measure they have this disgraceful body shaming line.... "As interviews with CEOs go, these comments count as immensely revealing, although for me the real takeaway has been that you can be the second richest man in the world and still struggle to find dental veneers that fit" Body shaming is ok if it's a man hey? What a disgraceful mob of sexists.
  13. Think your tissues might have to wait in your pocket for a while.
  14. That's absolutely beautiful!! What an arrogant twohat that BBC bloke is. Brilliant. 😂😂
  15. Sexist!! It could have been a she/he/non-binary/they/trans/it etc etc etc. 😉
  16. I do know that every American I met in New York claimed to be part Irish. And every Irish person I met at some point in their life lived on the same street as Bono.
  17. You keep mentioning clickbait.... Are you suggesting the stories which you keep referring too as such, are indeed false?
  18. Not really got the hang of forums have you. Would you prefer it if folks only post what you have an interest in or with what you align with?
  19. My thoughts... 😂😂😂😂😂😄. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 Not you Daddy!!
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