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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. With respect matey, it would take some time trying to get a knackered fridge freezer, Mrs Jones ripped 3 piece suit and a broken Ford Fiesta 1.6 Ghia engine into those bins
  2. Trust me, I put a wink emoji next to my accusation, however if someone had said that about the rioters in Leeds I can guarantee the outrage would be much greater and a possible ban being issued. Can you now understand what the problem is?
  3. My guess is that the protest is more due to past occurrences rather than this latest incident in Southport. It's the straw that's broke the camels back for many, in my opinion. Have any Mosques actually been damaged yet?
  4. I can't see that happening, rather they will be offered a sweetener to lose.
  5. There is a reason TikTok is banned in China even though it originated there. They must be laughing their socks off watching the West implode. Their plan is working.
  6. Prettytom is another who I would definitely have a pint with who is completely the opposite to me politically. Sorry Tom, nearly forgot you, you raging lefty xxxxxx!😉
  7. Social media is the beginning of the end, it's absolute poison and is turning everyone against each other, folk who would probably get on if they met in person. I I am on completely the opposite side politically to you and a couple of others on here, Mister M being one and regardless of our heated discussions I know we would enjoy a beer together and come away thinking what a sound person they are. I can't actually see proper civil disorder on a grand scale because of it but it wouldn't surprise me. Anyway, enough of niceties..... You xxxxxxx leftie do gooder, it's all your fault!😉😉
  8. You find someone who is a bully, abusive when intoxicated and a self confessed wind up merchant on here, charismatic? Surprised at you Cressida.
  9. My old man used to go for the tea and biscuits and to chat the nurses up!!
  10. Lowedges has a festival, I didn't know that.
  11. Don't write to Clive Betts voicing your concerns or anything else for that matter. He never replies.
  12. Embarrassing yourself again Dave. You offer nothing to this forum, absolutely nothing.
  13. I take my hat off to anyone who gives blood. I pass out when I have a blood test, yet enjoy getting tattooed.
  14. What an absolute dipstick. However, be careful of these white tracky wearing plankton, they are the biggest danger to us and are terrorists, not the folk blowing us to smithereens and stabbing children.
  15. Indeed . It seems to be nowadays that there is always some damp cloth wanting to make an excuse for someone's behaviour. Some folk,whether young are old are just horrible. Deal with it.
  16. Hey Magilla, where have you been, you have not posted for ages?
  17. Crikey, the screaming of "Misogyny"would be rife if someone said that about a labour MP.
  18. Seriously though, on a personal level what will change, regardless of either a Conservative or Labour government or Harris/Trump winning in November. Personally for me, absolutely nothing changes.
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