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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Predict a fast start and an early goal, then revert to type by passing it back and sideways. Muted boos at HT. Accrington grab a goal around the 70th. We win it in injury time.
  2. The same shoes maybe that he used when robbing a woman at gun point!!! And yet there are statues erected celebrating him!! Clown world.
  3. I wonder...... Ms Abbott was quick to get on her race baiting box after that wasn't she. 🙄
  4. I just did. With the way you carry on, anyone would think you are walking around barefoot and living off bread and water. You are just systematic of the spoilt West. Compared to billions on this planet your life will be fantastic, yet all you do is moan how bad every thing is. Typical Westerner, spoilt rotten.
  5. Good god man, anyone would think you lived in Mogadishu! Get a grip FFS
  6. Heaven forbid that this country celebrates anything. Always summat to get outraged about.
  7. Gun crime rising in South Yorkshire at an alarming rate. I wonder why this is?
  8. In Eastern Europe at the mo, bit nippy round the ankles.
  9. I've fallen out of love with jeans now I am in my fifties. Loved jeans, collected them, must have about 20 pairs of them hanging in my wardrobe. I find them rather uncomfortable these days, so I now mostly wear combats, or proper trousers. Roll on summer as I love wearing shorts.
  10. You don't fool anyone. You are absolutely dreading getting hammered.
  11. I nervy 2-1 tomorrow. If things are going wrong it will be rather toxic.
  12. Also whites being against being white!!!! They are pathetically obsessed with race...why? https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/apr/08/i-googled-white-guy-and-there-i-was-stock-photo-models-in-ads-memes
  13. Aye, she popped her head out to support that lying racist Jussie Smollett. Called it "a modern day lynching" if I remember correctly.
  14. I have. And no matter how much the hypocrites try to spin it, just like Mr Linekar, we know exactly what they mean. 👍
  15. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2023/apr/07/cruel-cancel-picasso-monstrous-misogynist-anniversary Picasso on their hate list now... CANCEL!!!!! "Today, Picasso is more often talked about as a misogynist and cultural appropriator, the ultimate example of problematic white guys clogging up the artistic canon". There is no end to their hate and racism. Disgraceful https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/commentisfree/2023/apr/07/edward-colston-statue-slavery-monarchy-blm-bristol Applauding violence also.
  16. Right club at the time, what he achieved was superb.
  17. You do make some wild assumptions don't you. It comes as no surprise that rather than comment on the subject in question, yourself and the like would rather attack the poster who is highlighting blatant racism and sexism. I thought your ilk would be in full support of such things? Obviously not. Identity politics at its finest. I will highlight hypocrisy again.
  18. No Dawson!! DM has made a rod for his own back regarding the keeper situation, absolutely bizarre thinking. Smith must have a knock. Time for Wilks to shine.
  19. Who is suppressing any ones views? The Guardian is racist and sexist. You will never change my view on that. Ever.
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