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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. That ref was excellent in our game at Mansfield the other year. I can see nothing but another predictable slog today, pass sideways, back, sideways, hooooof. 1-1
  2. Well said. They are a disgrace. They obviously hate anything to do with the UK and their desire to divide and create animosity is rather disturbing. There is something quite sinister going on at the Guardian and yet people refuse to accept it or or too stubborn to admit it. They are nothing but a hypocritical set of racists and sexists.
  3. He is a fine figure of a man ain't he. Handsome bugger!! Yeah, deffo Dawson back,Patto on the bench I reckon
  4. I like listening to him, but I wish he would give his nose a good blow as he always seems to have the sniffles.
  5. Rhodes without doubt but at least he tried and in his defence was played in a team that didn't play to his strengths. Di Bilde. Donnelly. Jonk. Abdi. Special mention to Urby Emanulson.
  6. That's quite the rant. 1, I've never once used the word militant in any post until now. 2, If you read my post again you will see that I used the word unions to describe the many strikes that have been happening and still are. I believe there is more than one union for nurses, teachers, rail workers and the Fire brigade...correct? 3, Boris has never been my idol. I am surprised you didn't use the word fanboy to be fair so kudos for that. The strikes are nothing more than a mass protest against the government by unionS, not conditions of its workers, as they boldly claimed.
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2023/apr/06/neu-manchester-demo-during-tory-conference For anyone who is in any doubt about all these strikes being just one big protest by the leftie militant unions against the Conservatives, here is your evidence. Like there was any doubt.
  8. I've said it before but this trans malarkey is the newest religion. Flags everywhere, becoming untouchable, fines now being introduced for dissenters.... And it's all happening right in front of our very eyes. Clown world
  9. Waddle. Sheridan. Dicanio. Hirst. Hodge. Sterland.
  10. Crikey, this has gone a bit deep.
  11. Absolute monsters. Some proper Heartbreakers on show there.
  12. Oh dear, another sanctimonious hypocrite who pretends to be all caring and progressive caught with their pants down.
  13. Imagine living opposite that mess. Just an effort to actually clean up their own crap would go along way to getting some sympathy.
  14. Transphobic is the new buzzword, replacing racist. It will be over used by the permanently offended to such an extent it will become as diluted as the term racist. The liberals are their own worst enemy, they just don't see it because they are too blinkered to see outside their faux rage. Funny though.
  15. Hope not. It might have a recording of that democrat bloke lying under oath about having relations with a member of his staff though.
  16. Very good. 👍 Can't get Fox, otherwise absolutely Be worth a fortune on gumtree
  17. Indeed. I am hazarding a wild guess that the many Albanian chaps ( who come from a perfectly safe country) will be claiming to be in a gay marriage, or be non binary, therefore suffering persecution. 🙄
  18. You are getting confused with Benson and Hedges.
  19. When they arrive they claim asylum, then it's not illegal, especially if they say they are being persecuted or from a war torn country.
  20. Maybe Melthebell could offer some of them a room to stay in?
  21. Too busy keeping an eye on her lying cheating hubby. 👍
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