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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Disagree. People have everything they want, we have never had it so good!! The West is like one big spoilt child. It's now bored and wants to stamp its feet.
  2. Sounds ok to me. Wonder if they do weekend breaks as the missus has a 40th birthday coming up. Can't take her to Skeggy again!
  3. Selfishness and lack of respect for others is rife within today's society, especially the West. What's caused it? I would like to blame social media but it started before that appeared. As awful as it sounds, a war would bring people together again, but for how long, who knows.
  4. Hi Anna. I think part of it is that people are just not as nice as they used to be. People, especially nowadays just let you down or are unpleasant. "The older I get, the more I love my animals" is rather accurate
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/apr/04/misogyny-finland-sanna-marin I knew they would blame men.
  6. I don't think many would argue that he is a bit dodgy but the relentless drive from the opposition to find something to get him on ever since he sat down in the oval office is unreal. He embarrassed a lot of people who were adamant he would not be President, including Nancy Perlosi and they have been trying to get revenge ever since. This whole debacle will make him even more popular. They will never learn.
  7. Well, going off the wall to wall coverage on CNN I am assuming he has slaughtered an entire continent. It's hard to make it out on their numerous live camera angles as all their reporters are blocking the view whilst performing a massive circle jerk!! 🤡🤡🤡
  8. No. Get it right. Everyone has mental health issues APART from the gender confused people.. 😂
  9. https://i.postimg.cc/s2SrDNrg/IMG-20230329-220008627-HDR.jpg We don't like this thread!!
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/apr/04/carol-vorderman-60s-renaissance-political-hero Imagine a 60 year old man doing what Ms Vorderman is doing!!! Imagine him saying he has lots of special friends!!! Wonder if the Guardian would be lauding him? Apparently Leo DiCaprio has red flags because of how HE lives his life. More blatant sexism.. 😂😂😂😂😂
  11. I read most online, but I hate sexism, racism and dislike hypocrisy, so I like to highlight this when I see fit. Especially from sanctimonious virtue signalling folk who pretend to care.
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/apr/03/they-are-men-they-do-nothing-inside-the-home-lives-of-women-around-the-world Yet another article cementing their misandry. Disgraceful
  13. And yet the West has the absolute nerve to preach to others how they should be doing things!
  14. They are relentless in their pursuit of dividing the population. It's pathetic and rather dangerous. The whole week they are having a slavery circle jerk. It must be their way of trying to say sorry for years of hiding the truth about their links. They are fooling no-one.
  15. I myself am a successful fantastic adult. My dad used to smack my bottom when I was a little brat. I never wanted to go to the loo when I was a child, but when I heard my dad's car pull up I would rush upstairs and go. He never did it hard enough to hurt, it was more the shame. My head teacher used to give the slipper to unruly kids. I was one of those in the vast majority that did as they were told, sometimes I wanted to do something naughty but I didn't, and why not....... because I didn't want the shame of having to go to the heads office. So, it worked for me and no one will ever convince me otherwise.
  16. Unfortunately Wilks looks rustier than my Isuzu trooper. Denis looks done.
  17. I am no expert but if there are... 1, are assaults on teachers higher or lower than they were 40 years ago? 2, are children better behaved now or less than 40 years ago?
  18. Don't mistake hitting for a quick slap on the ankles or bottom. There is a massive difference.
  19. Yes he appeals to vulnerable people and he encourages them to make something of their lives... How dare he!!!! Bang him up!!!
  20. We are an aging squad, we looked knackered. The amount of times space opened up yesterday and the players didn't exploit it was criminal. We must be the slowest and most predictable team out there. We are top simply because we have a couple of match winners and apart from 3 other teams the league is bang average
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