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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. That right there is just testament to the clown world the West has become. Confusion over the gender!!! FFS.
  2. That's actually quite funny. Polls are incorrect when they make you a minority!! Spoken like a true lefty. 😂😂 Deluded.
  3. It depends. If you do not do this or have not had the foresight to do this, then absolutely not. Otherwise, it's perfectly fine.
  4. In May 2022, ahead of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, another YouGov poll showed that only 31% of 18–24 year olds were in favour of the monarchy, compared to 66% of the population as a whole. Four months later, in the wake of the Queen's death, this figure stood firm at 67%. Where did you get your assumption from PRESLEY?
  5. Probably the worst result in our history. Still can't believe how awful we were.
  6. Got what we deserved. Absolutely woeful performance. Give over, James has been excellent for us. The other two, absolutely.
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2023/mar/25/berlin-welcomes-topless-female-swimmers-in-victory-for-activists 😂 Berlin is not the only German city to allow topless swimming. In May 2022, Göttingen in Lower Saxony, central Germany, became the first German city to allow female topless swimming in its indoor and outdoor pools, after a swimmer who identified as male was turned away from a public pool for wanting to swim with their chest bare. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Excellent. 👍
  8. It's a free country, I can moan about whatever I want. Now I understand that you can't cope with other opinions that differ to yours, so I would suggest you either ignore me or stop being such a big baby. 👍
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/mar/25/slaves-trade-amends-grenada-laura-trevelyan Why the need to make it public? And I guess it helps when you are married to the President of ABC news with a worth of 100 million!!! How condescending.
  10. I said that other cities must see the state of The Moor and laugh their heads off. Are you seriously suggesting that Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle and Leeds centers are inferior to Sheffield? Rumour has it that the aforementioned pee will be cleaned up any time soon... 😉
  11. That's funny!! I didn't really know where to post my rant to be honest.
  12. So, had a free day today so decided to get a bus from Bakewell to Sheffield as it's been so many years since I visited the center. Hopped off at the old Isabella's nightclub and had a wander down the Moor. Good grief, it's like a different planet. After meandering around the numerous charity workers who try and accost you and then saying " sorry I have no spare change" to 3 folk wanting money off me I finally made it into the market. It looks like a massive waiting room full of folk either on medication or extras for a zombie movie! I decided to have a bite but was unable to find a seat in the dining area due to folk just sitting there with no food or drink, so I ended up standing whilst eating my lukewarm pork sandwich. After this I ventured out into the abyss to be deafened by an individual singing an Elvis Presley track whilst wafting away cigarette smoke from my face at every turn. Numerous young girls, who looked around 15 years old pushing prams with screaming kids a plenty did nothing to temper my disappointment of my afternoon so I waddled into Poundland to escape the madness, but no.....it was full of rowdy teenagers and screaming mums. Luckily I found amusement in watching a cashier trying to explain to a foreign lady that it was only a 2 for 1 offer, not 5 for 1!! I turned left towards the bottom where there was a round kiosk selling tea and coffee that was surrounded by what was surely a gang of day release inmates so I avoided that and decided to to head up to the new cinema complex which I believe used to be Debenhams, thinking it would be a sparkling gem of a place.....but no, a dark, empty walkway with only a Nandos open greeted me. Seriously...is that the end result? What an absolute mess of an area of Sheffield city Centre!! Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Liverpool must be absolutely laughing their heads off. I came home feeling like I needed a shower.
  13. Dawson since returning to the side has been nothing short of fantastic. One mistake should not take away how great his form is.
  14. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/23/chinese-startup-invents-long-distance-kissing-machine 😂
  15. More misandry and racism..... https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/mar/21/rupert-murdoch-newspapers-woman-marrying-fifth-time. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/mar/22/white-artists-elvis-exploit-black-culture-celebrate-bobby-caldwell.
  16. Cracking game. The last two games have me a little concerned. It's not so much the results but we look knackered and those injuries to key men could not have come at a worse time. Surely the other teams can't keep winning, can they? We play 3 games now before Ipswich kick a ball so hopefully we should have a healthy gap again on them. It's Wednesday, nothing is easy is it.
  17. Most sensible thing you have posted for ages. 😉
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