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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. In an ideal world everyone should be able to wear whatever they want. Unfortunately we live in a society that is infested with people who are incapable of acting like respectable human beings, and more so there are sexual predators and rapists at large. It's because of this people should take precautions especially women. Recently I attended a friend's daughters 21st birthday party, most of the girls were dressed rather scantidly to say the least, especially my friends daughter. They left to go clubbing. The following day I spoke to my friend who's daughter had come home in tears at 4am saying she was manhandled in the club by a few arseholes. His response was... " Well what does she expect going out dressed with hardly any clothes on" Like I said, it's absolutely shocking that especially young girls can't go out dressed like they want without getting harassed but we don't live in a perfect world unfortunately and that has to be taken into consideration.
  2. Going 2-2. Bolton race into a two goal lead, but finish as a draw
  3. Blackburn to win 2-0. Sorry blades, as I want to you win.
  4. I love pointing out sexism, racism and hypocrisy, it's something I feel very strongly about. If you don't then that's perfectly fine. We are all different.
  5. This is actually quite funny. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/mar/17/you-be-the-judge-should-my-partner-stop-farting-in-front-of-me Just a snippet from the lady who is miserable.. Alex just lets rip. He finds it incredibly funny whereas I feel shame and remorse. The other day I accidentally farted in front of a fan and it blew into Alexโ€™s face. I was really embarrassed. Alex is trying to force me into lad territory with his farting habits and it takes away the romance. Iโ€™m not his mate, Iโ€™m his girlfriend. She feels shame and remorse!!!! How do these people get through life!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  6. The Guardian being as miserable as ever, always searching for a reason to divide. What they fail to understand is that the Irish and the Brits have a fantastic talent of being able to laugh at each other, something i know the miseries at the Guardian are incapable of. New York is absolutely rammed with the Irish and having lived there for many years, and especially Americans think very fondly of the Irish and would never in all seriousness think all Irish are at all stereo typical of the aforementioned names the Guardian has mentioned. It's all humour, something the Guardian has very little time for. Lefties love the Guardian. What's that old saying.. Misery loves company.
  7. I can't see it. It seems odd that they would go on strike without pay for five weeks if they are already needing foodbanks. How odd.
  8. Five week strike. Lovely Jubbly. It's a national scandal and a stain on this government's reputation that so many of its own workforce are living in poverty." Said Mr Serwotka Poverty... Aye, ok.
  9. Robbie savage is like a 10 year old who has had too much candy. I don't think he is a nasty bloke but incredibly annoying. I can't stand him and Sutton on 606.
  10. You argue with everyone. Not a good look. Chill out. And I didn't post BS. ๐Ÿ‘
  11. Crikey, stop being so angry. You would get into an argument in an empty room for crying out loud. Grow up.
  12. I am all for more cyclists on the road especially those who ride side by side wearing those super tight lycra shorts.. The sound of a really hardened pea when it connects with lycra is something to behold, especially when being thrusted from a pea shooter with tremendous velocity.
  13. I suggest you take a look yourself if it's bothering you so much, which it obviously is. Or is this now a subject that you will let fester and repeatedly bring up for the next few weeks? I will help you out a little..... Monza and monks....
  14. Just an example of why I like cash options. Landed at Luton airport last year and had to take the bus to Luton parkway train station. The driver didn't accept cash and my bank card did not have that contactless symbol on so I was unable to pay. I then I had to return to the airport to buy a ticket for this bus at a kiosk, thus taking up enough time to make me miss my train to Sheffield!! I had to buy a new train ticket at a cost of 87 pounds because my original train ticket was for the train that had left 30 minutes earlier!! Cash is king!!!!
  15. I was confusing it with this story.... My mistake. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/mar/15/us-joe-biden-tiktok-ban-chinese-owners-divest
  16. Good. It's been stated for many years that this app that the Chinese developed was designed to create division in the western world and low and behold, it's now becoming true. I believe it's why Trump tried to ban it years ago. The Chinese do not allow it, a massive red flag right there. I am on about tik tok.......not sure about WhatsApp!!
  17. I neither have the time or the desire to assist you with that request. If you can't accept my perfectly valid opinion then I highly doubt me showing you the numerous posts pontificating will change your mind. ๐Ÿ‘
  18. Indeed!! Who said anything about solely on this thread?
  19. The irony of this post is quite delicious.
  20. Well good morning to you Alextopman! Up bright and early.? No particular one, no.
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