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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. I really enjoyed the women's Euros, and it was great seeing the women win the cup. Their pay should be relevant to the income it generates, it's that simple. Women are shouting about more pay which is great, it's now up to the 4.5 billion of women around the world to support their sisters by actually going to watch their games. I think the average attendance at women's super League games is about 2000. This comedian nails it.... There is some bad language so be warned https://youtu.be/I745Ajeq_B8 👍
  2. More codswallop. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2023/mar/10/football-culture-wars-engulf-national-game-gary-lineker Where were the guardian when the BBC was criticising Qatar about their policies? It was ok then was it? Loved the beeb back then. Political and cultural warfare in the United Kingdom has now breached the sanctum of its favourite game, one of the last few havens of national unity.!!!! Oh the drama!!! Have they forgot about all the other political protests that have engulfed the game? 😂😂😂😂 Both the Match of the Day and Attenborough battles demonstrate the shrinking of public space in Britain deemed to be truly apolitical, and raises questions of whether anything is truly sacred, or whether Strictly Come Dancing or the Great British Bake Off will become the next battlefields. 😂😂😂😂😂
  3. Mad isn't it. It's almost as if some people don't know. Have kids then complain they are struggling to feed and take care of them.
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/mar/09/oscars-volodymyr-zelenskiy-appearance-turned-down "Last year it was reported that Oscars executive producer Will Packer had expressed concern over allowing Zelenskiy airtime as everyone affected by the conflict is white and previous tragedies involving people of colour hadn’t received the same attention". Just wow!!!
  5. The fact you can't control your language after 9pm is incredibly amusing. 😂
  6. To be fair, it's over 8 hours since you posted so it's now probably 73.
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/mar/08/oscars-gift-bags-and-party-menu-revealed-botox-trifle-and-a-small-plot-of-land-in-australia- And then the sanctimonious wet wipes will then get on stage and preach about world problems as if they really really care...... And folk are taken in by them. 😂
  8. I am understanding of international women's Day. I am helping the missus do the dishes tonight. 😉
  9. On international men's day? Absolutely. Bookmark it, and let's see eh? In the meantime all those nasty men can go and get killed in pointless wars. Wonder if that sexist rag will celebrate the heroics of that?
  10. I must have missed their article praising the men who risked their lives trying to save folk. You know, specifically praising men rather than " rescuer's" Can you provide it for me?
  11. To those who don't agree with him, obviously. Apparently Angela Rayner has surpassed the duck phase on the communication skills level, she is at the goose stage and rising.
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/mar/08/earthquakes-women-girls-turkey-abuse-misogynist-society Guardian proper going to town on men today. Just one of numerous articles they have today. I wonder if on international men's day on the 19th November they will salute the thousands of men who risked their lives trying to rescue women and children from the dreadful earthquakes?
  13. Don't forget to buy a sense of humour whilst your out buying the Guardian later.. 👍
  14. Apparently, she never said that. She did have a hairdo that sometimes reached 4ft high however!
  15. Probably mates with Jared O'Hara.
  16. I always think...what would I do. There is absolutely no way I would have the nerve to nominate my old man for a knighthood regardless of his work or standing if I was PM. Also my old man would just say " don't be so bloody silly"
  17. I wouldn't worry, apparently he has me on ignore but keeps replying to my posts... Not too sure what's going on with that poster to be fair as they seem quite distressed. I hope they are ok.
  18. So it's the conservatives fault for people committing suicide now? The Tories have been in charge for many years, why haven't they made benefits illegal then? To say they would if the could is ridiculous.
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