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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. If you don't qualify for a full state pension are you not able to get other assistance to make up the shortfall?
  2. So you were taking nonsense then. Glad we cleared that up. 👍
  3. But during a conservative government benefits were not illegal...right?
  4. It really really wouldn't. Stop being silly.
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/mar/05/manchester-bomb-victims-paid-price-of-backlash-always-risk-uk-policy-libya You just knew the Guardian would be blaming Britain. Nailed on.
  6. Idiots for throwing stuff, but let's not tarnish the whole T1 section as if it wasn't for them the atmosphere would be shocking.
  7. It's a thread about the sexist, racist miseries at the Guardian. If one would like to start a thread about the aforementioned news outlets, be my guest. 👍
  8. More misandry. Is there anything they don't find a reason to be miserable at. Pathetic. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/mar/05/glastonburys-blokefest-of-headliners-is-sloppy-slapdash-and-very-off-brand
  9. Nothing I've posted is incorrect. Wasn't Sadiq Khan blaming the "far right" just the other day because some folk had the audacity to disagree with him at a meeting? Stop being so naïve. And are you saying the video on YouTube doesn't exist?
  10. This just proves how brainwashed folk have become by leftwing propaganda. Concerned about immigration=RACIST!! it will be the same folk who are getting brainwashed by the left to thinking.. Right wing = FAR RIGHT, NAZI, WHITE SUPREMACIST!! And the new latest buzzword..INCEL!! it would be funny if it wasn't so divisive and childish. There was a telling video on YouTube at a protest about welcoming refugees and asylum seekers.... There was a chap going around asking the protesters if they would put their name on a list so they could house the folk they want to help...... Unsurprising they did a Lilly Allen and all said " I've got no room"!! 😂
  11. I've no doubt many folks voted for brexit thinking it would help with the illegal immigration problem but to actually state its because of a hatred of immigrants is not only ridiculous at best but incredibly silly.
  12. I am sure the likes of Mick Lynch would pull him up on his statement.
  13. Ah, the standard reply when faced with certain dilemmas that your political bias is unable to confront. Standard.
  14. Semi-naked man in thigh high boots performs in front of tots https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11810305/Fury-Drag-act-BABIES-Semi-naked-man-thigh-high-boots-performs-bondage-routine.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton And we have the brass nerve to preach to other countries what they should and shouldn't do. 🤡🤡
  15. If only it was that easy. Be loads of human rights lawyers and lefties chomping at the bit to let them stay.. As long as they don't move in next door to them though. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11799331/MPs-lead-anger-blocked-deportation-Jamaican-criminal-later-committed-murder.html
  16. I am guessing it was a full house. Appreciate the sentiment. 👍
  17. Can't help yourself can you!! You didn't get the Dracula and crosses joke did you? It's ok. Enjoy the victory! 👍
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