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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. I have really no idea why you are so desperate to be so antagonistic this morning. I understand it's your default mode but seriously, just enjoy your fantastic victory last night. I am actually pleased you won.
  2. They sound like absolute divvies. But seriously, comparing a few dozen neanderthals who have to my knowledge not chopped anyone's heed off or blown children to bits to an organisation that has over a quarter of a million radicals determined to crush us.....is rather silly.
  3. Well done the blades excellent performance and deserved victory. An uninspiring draw but definitely winnable. If fact the draw was probably the worst possible for all neutrals, no surprise to see the two Manchester clubs get home ties. I think you will find me wishing you good luck and me saying I hope you beat spurs at an earlier date. Stop getting your knickers in a twist, just enjoy the victory. 👍
  4. Watching from a hotel bar in Bran, Transylvania Romania! Hope Forster is better with crosses than Dracula.
  5. It has its uses in complete irony, absolutely. From heat or eat diaries to telling us how much the Brits are spending on holidays. They have no idea which way to go!! It's hilarious. If you find my thread ridiculous then don't follow or comment on it. 👍
  6. It's almost as if folks are pretending to be struggling as it's the bandwagon to jump on. In terms of Greece, the Brits are leading the way,” the nation’s tourism minister, Vassilis Kikilias, told the Guardian. “And they’re big spenders.” Kind of makes their " heat or eat diaries" seem a bit hypocritical https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/feb/26/record-number-of-britons-head-to-greece-as-nation-enjoys-tourism-boom
  7. Their bitterness is really quite sad. Why can't they enjoy anything? https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/mar/01/the-coronation-concert-elton-adele-and-harry-styles-have-said-no-so-can-olly-murs-save-the-day
  8. Of course you come up with a different conclusion, we are at completely the opposite side of the political scale. Since he purchased twitter the Guardian has had a campaign of relentless negativity against Musk. It's absolutely pathetic because now someone owns that platform that doesn't see the world like they do. They are like little children. I don't remember any campaigns and stamping of feet against Jack Dorsey on a weekly basis, but then again twitter was prominently left wing back then, even Mr Dorsey admitted that.
  9. I would like to see him win just for the reaction of CNN!! Never gonna happen though.
  10. Far from it, I can assure you. I am just not incredibly naive.
  11. Are you sure the signs were not from the hotel owners?
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2023/mar/01/dozy-mmobuosi-takeover-questions-hang-over-sheffield-united
  13. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/mar/01/elon-musks-defense-of-scott-adams-shows-why-he-is-misguided-and-dangerous They hate him don't they. I mean why wouldn't they, he is a rich successful white man. The article is absolutely astoundingly full of bullshine.
  14. Have you not seen the Loch Ness monster fake photos?
  15. I am completely and utterly shocked!!!! 😂 Any thoughts on the articles?
  16. I don't notice things that I am not scrambling around all day looking for. It's kind of telling that you actually noticed it to be honest. Your spelling is worse than my linking capabilities by the way. 👍
  17. It's kind of worrying who the left seem to hold in high regard. Here they are championing someone who was a cheat, a drug addict and lost custody of her children due to negligence. "Paula is the real story of a singular woman who was both ahead of her time and totally of it, which explores how she shaped, and was shaped by, the seismic changes in British culture and celebrity and what it meant to be a successful woman in that era. “Paula’s battle to ‘have it all’, torn between the duties of family life and her own personal career and happiness in the magnifying glare of a world determined to judge her, provide a powerful lesson for today’s world and women fighting the same issues 40 years later.” 🙄 https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/feb/27/channel-4-documentary-paula-yates-two-part-special
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