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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. " Toxic masculinity ' Aye that's the other new buzzword Makes me smile when you watch these rabid feminists saying they don't need men. Whilst standing on roads that men built. Whilst using the toilets that men installed. Whilst living and working in buildings that men built. Whilst watching men go to fight wars to protect their freedoms. I could go on and on and on. I honestly think men are starting to fight back.
  2. It's an interesting one Daddy that's for sure. I will put my tin hat on though and suggest this.. Maybe it's on the increase because men are fed up of being portrayed as the enemy by a large section of especially younger females. Men are now seen as expendable as there is always another one that comes along. We are constantly told we are useless and nothing more than preditors, misogynistic and sexist and maybe men are just fed up of it and are fighting back? Misogyny is the new buzzword but it's being used for anything negative that is said about women, when in fact it means a dislike of women or a prejudice against women. Maybe men are feeling used, not appreciated for things they have done or do for women and they are just starting to rebel a little?
  3. But you said it was deserved... What did YOU see?
  4. Apparently misogyny is on the rise and has been for quite a while. Has anyone actually asked why?
  5. Really? What evidence and where have you seen this to come to this conclusion? Can you post a link to the incident as I've only seen it from a certain angle that is totally inconclusive?
  6. Well that's disappointing. Don't go on owlstalk though and show your anger about this, or heaven forbid slag off the EFL because the owner of the site will just ( as per usual) just ridicule you and make childish comments about you.
  7. No. I think you have misunderstood. I was answering Tom as I am not sure what his NHS reference was about. 👍
  8. Yeah, I've noticed that. Not sure why to be honest. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/feb/22/flock-me-the-day-i-became-a-hero-to-some-disdainful-sheep
  9. Not content to have probably the world's best woman's football team they have to moan about no black players.. All male workplace bad, all women's workplace good. The mythical gender pay gap study. What they also found out for the study was men work on average 6 hour's per week longer than women, they chose to ignore that bit. Just another normal day of racism and misandry. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/feb/23/women-work-two-months-for-free-reveals-tuc-analysis https://www.theguardian.com/football/2023/feb/21/sarina-wiegman-says-lack-of-diversity-will-not-change-overnight https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2023/feb/22/fendi-designer-female-fashion-powerhouse-kim-jones
  10. What a masterpiece this is... https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/feb/22/flock-me-the-day-i-became-a-hero-to-some-disdainful-sheep. I bet even his partner is like... "WTF is that Aidy, do something useful and go and search for a story from a hundred years ago that we can publish that makes Britain look bad, or maybe find a woman's basketball team in Outer Mongolia that demands as much money as the L.A Lakers"
  11. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/feb/22/shamima-begum-case-lawyers-can-appeal-but-only-on-point-of-law. Dry your eyes Guardian!!! 😭😭😭
  12. I've already posted their report on Ms Begum. Do keep up now.
  13. Yeah, that was proper funny. Liz Truss was just awful
  14. Not too sure, you would have to ask Ms Abbott. Apparently she is looking for a map to try and find the atlas. I don't support the current government, they are a shambles, I've mentioned that many times.
  15. Apparently Diane Abbott was asked this question and then she went looking for an atlas to find the correct answer.
  16. Adrian has been proper radicalised ain't he. Poor bloke, he used to be quite funny before he was told not to offend anyone. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/feb/22/shamima-begum-loses-appeal-removal-british-citizenship They will be absolutely gutted.
  17. Morning all. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/feb/22/shamima-begum-judges-to-rule-if-removal-of-uk-citizenship-was-lawful. The case has highlighted how Britain is out of step with its allies on the issue of citizenship, Can resist a dig at Britain at every opportunity can they. Grrrrrrrr!! Seething. I love Satire. It quenches my thirst for it without fail, every single day. I unearth treasure every time I open their website. It's marvelous.
  18. Oh right... Virtue signalling sanctimonious outlets like the Guardian. imo.
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