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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. So her profession can't be that toxic can it. Just whining. If my profession was so toxic I would quit.
  2. And awaaaaaaaaay we go. How's about this for an idea Emma, if you don't like your job.......Quit. But hey those Oscar nominations means more Dosh. 😂 https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/feb/21/emma-thompson-oscar-campaigning-seriously-ill-fame-toxic
  3. Lack of empathy or just not naive and suffer fools gladly? It's easy peasy to pretend you care.
  4. Anyways, back to the Guardian.. I will leave this epic from today.. I mean seriously.... It's all about the vakasalewalelewa 😂 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/feb/20/the-trans-queen-mother-reclaiming-fijis-third-gender-photo-essay Managed to get a dig in about colonial rule an all. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
  5. Anything that the left oppose is right wing. It's their go to argument.
  6. Not whining., Winning.....I understand you have had no reason to use that particular word for quite some time now so I will excuse you this time. In two years you will be able to use it again. 👍 That's some desperate argument there.
  7. Oh, without a shadow of doubt. Labour will win by a landslide. Good response. 👍
  8. No worries there. Too busy. And I ain't a lefty. 👍 The right don't pretend to be anything that they are not though, that's the difference. It's why they keep winning.
  9. But as we keep hearing the right are absolutely useless and really nasty, so that's par for the course. What's the tolerant left excuse? Or are they just liars?
  10. The left wants to change history by erasing what they dont like. They want to keep reminding everyone about slavery though. It's almost as if they want a dictatorship.
  11. Thank goodness. We would all be holding hands and in in therapy. What makes me laugh is that they actually think folk are interested in their pathetic attempt to create division and their endless efforts to write articles that they pretend to care about. It's fabulous. Maybe it's a look of man love?
  12. It's a thread about the Guardian, take your anti government propaganda to the relevant thread. 👍
  13. The Guardian has to be satire... Right? It never fails to disappoint. I don't think the Guardian will be happy until all sport is banished as it's too competitive, unless all venues have safe spaces and a therapist on call. They will not be happy until everyone is as miserable as them.
  14. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/feb/20/is-baftas-work-to-increase-diversity-in-danger-of-being-undone Oh boy they are on one today!!!! 😂😂 Anyone?
  15. I totally get your point but my friends and I have a good laugh trying to predict what frothing they can come up with each day! My prediction for tomorrow is a feature on women's football in Uganda.
  16. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/feb/20/baftas-all-white-winners-lineup-shocking-diversity-more-than-statistics https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/feb/20/tars-gender-balanced-profession-is-a-utopian-fantasy-in-the-real-world-conducting-has-a-gender-problem. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/feb/20/ron-desantis-white-history-month-black-history-month-florida They must stay up all night trying to come up with stories to try and divide us. Why are they always so miserable and angry?
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