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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Well, it proves that it's not just old blokes with glasses on. 👍
  2. You see, this is where your argument falls down. I don't know anyone ( in real life, not online ) regardless of their gender, profession or otherwise that don't think Sam Smith is obviously quite mentally unstable. It's a broad church, not just old fellas with comb overs.
  3. Why? Is he not successful enough, why the need for more attention, are you suggesting he is just an narcissistic attention seeker?
  4. Why do you think they are so incessantly going on about race and gender? Awards dominated by white artist is a problem for them obviously, otherwise they wouldn't mention it. It absolutely kills them because they are racists. Tits in a tizzle!!! I like that. 😂
  5. What's wrong with being wound up about something? Or is the latest buzzword " Triggered"? Forums and debate would cease to exist if no one got wound up. I don't get all this you're triggered nonsense, as if it's some kind of put down. I love debate and discussion, I love being triggered, I welcome it. Are you not yourself wound up about folk being wound up? Weird.
  6. You are most welcome. Always happy to highlight absolute nonsense. 👍
  7. Hopefully you are now sober enough to realize that this is a thread about Sam Smith and not the cost of living crisis!! 🤡🤡🤡🤡
  8. Another pathetic attempt by Guardian to try and create issues where non exist. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/feb/11/harry-styles-sweeps-male-dominated-brit-awards-with-a-quartet-of-wins Rather than just be happy for the winners they have to make it all about their pathetic childish agenda, wailing on about race, gender and the lack of diversity for award winners. I am beginning to think it's a satirical publication rather than serious one. I mean, no one can be this angry all the time...can they?
  9. How is he gonna get through the bog door when he needs a slash?
  10. Sam Smith is totally entitled to do whatever he wants, however adults are in the main mature enough to decide how they want to live, but kids are seeing this and deciding they want to be like him as this trans epidemic is becoming the latest fashion. Is it any wonder that mental health issues are soaring amongst the younger generation? The poor buggers don't know which way to look and rather than being stressed about whether to take French or German, they are stressing about whether they should be a girl or a boy. It's absolutely moronic that this is being promoted. It's borderline child abuse.
  11. But but but.... Frankie goes to Hollywood!!! 😂🤡
  12. The progressive left trying to be all edgy n stuff?
  13. To be fair, it's probably worth more than Brewster.
  14. 🙂 No I mean he, because he is a man.
  15. And the West has the nerve to demand how others should live their lives!! After all, we are looking grrrrrreat!!
  16. Aye, can't argue about any of that. Imagine being young now.... Like you say, their life is online. Says us two pair of old fossils who spend most evenings doing the same!!
  17. The problem now is that misogyny has become the new " racist". It's now becoming misogynistic to criticize anything a woman does or say, it's being overused by the permanently outraged and just like the word racist, will become watered down and meaningless thanks to the folk who are absolutely desperate to argue about anything and everything. Whoppers.
  18. Interesting watch. Seems like a decent bloke. My only worry would be that he seems very keen to constantly tell what he has, rather than what he can do.
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