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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Sex definitely helps with sleep, trouble is as a bloke it means you wake up needing a pee and hour or so later.
  2. This raises an interesting point . Do these folk being recruited from poorer countries have the same training, schools, work experience and so forth that would be the same as the UK employees?
  3. No worries. I hope your stay this time brings much love and merryment to all. 👍
  4. Welcome to the forum Conrad 🙂 Very unbiased first post. 😂😂
  5. Those right wingers at the BBC been at it again!!
  6. They shouldn't, but apart from the odd Conservative MP saying it's not a good look has anyone seriously been that outraged about it?
  7. I mean, has anyone really been super critical of her being on holiday though?
  8. Labour will look to punish those that have worked hard and studied hard that's enabled them to earn good money. It's what Labour do.
  9. Aye, let's punish those that went to college, university and studied hard ( whilst their mates were down the boozer) to enable them to have the nice things in life. That's the spirit.
  10. People. Many folk are just so useless and entitled they are not capable of dealing with anything outside of their bubble. Pathetic really.
  11. Like most things that are rather nice and to an extent posh, it annoys certain folk who want to put a certain downer on it so will do all they can to make it ordinary again. ( Sheffield city Council) The ridiculous effort and cost it takes to park puts me off straight away.
  12. Imagine thinking it was ok to go to the shops with your pyjamas on!!😜. It's just slobby and lazy and something that doesn't surprise me that it's popular in the UK. I think a general opinion of folk in Romania and Bulgaria is that it's a bit seedy, rough and poor.....well I will tell you one thing, the ladies over here dress up even to go the the local shops! You never see anyone out that hasn't made an effort to look nice even though they don't generally have much money. It's chalk and cheese compared to the UK
  13. Give over. They might not have been your cup of tea but they were not crap.
  14. How can this balloon knot plead not guilty....it on video for crying out loud!! https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/sep/06/suspended-labour-councillor-ricky-jones-denies-encouraging-violent-disorder
  15. Without googling I do believe she went on to become a very successful song writer and is in the Guinness book of records for being the youngest song writer and performing artist for a song......I think?
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