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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Of course Clive Betts was on radio Sheffield a while ago lambasting swfc for not showing Ukrainian flags around the stadium like other high profile clubs. Obviously when he came out with his sanctimonious ****e it was all the rage....I was just wondering if he was still as outraged or if he had moved on to something else that's in the news. I have written to him on two occasions asking him about this, but have yet to receive a reply. No doubt he is too busy drumming up support for gender identity rights.
  2. Is Clive Betts still in a froth about swfc not displaying Ukraine flags around Hillsborough stadium or has he found something else to be all sanctimonious about? Silly sausage.
  3. Because they are accused of having toxic masculinity.
  4. I could go veggie if I had to, no problem. Vegan.... No chance, love me eggs and dairy products.
  5. To be fair they have not really had much to celebrate over the past decade or so, therefore I understand their pent up anger. Labour will cruise to a victory in a couple of years so hopefully it might calm them down a tad.
  6. They come over all virtuous to try and help them overcome some inner guilt. It's their comfort blanket. Those that shout the loudest do so because they have something to hide.
  7. Bloody Amazon. How dare they forcefully round up 75 thousand people to give them work. Absolutely vile of them.
  8. Largely with the individuals? Are you kidding me? Who else's fault is it?
  9. I have zero empathy or sympathy. If your fat it's because you eat too much.
  10. I don't know. What I do know is that everyone who is fat, is fat because they eat too much.
  11. Putin is a knob. But if anyone thinks the entire thing is nothing but political, on both sides is incredibly naive.
  12. So, it's down to the individual then. Fat folk are fat because they eat ****e and too much. It's that simple
  13. Regardless of whether we agree with it or not, we all know deep down it's just really really silly.
  14. Can we get back on topic please. Why don't women ever let men out of a junction?
  15. Indeed, especially for those that seem to shout from the rooftops about how morally superior they pretend to be. Like I said, it's to hide their inner guilt.
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