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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Unpopular opinion but I would take a win over Fleetwood in the cup rather than a win against Cheltenham. We shall win both though.
  2. Love that song. One of my guilty pleasures.
  3. From being ridiculed by folk who can spot their fake bull**** a mile off. Now obviously, I perfectly understand that due to folk have their blinkers on and not having the capability to admit they have been duped, it takes them longer than most to come to their senses. Like I said. I am here to help. You should be thanking me.
  4. I read many newspapers. When I need some satire and blatant hypocrisy I then go to the guardian. I am not too sure why you are opposed to me highlighting someone's hypocrisy. I am trying to help protect naive folk who are taken in by the likes of Beyonce. Weird. Any opinion of Beyonce rather than myself? Like I said, I am trying to help the naïve who are taken in by her ilk. Up there with Gary Neville and Jo Lycett. They are fooling folk. I am highlighting their hypocrisy to help the naïve. You should be grateful
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/jan/22/beyonce-makes-controversial-live-return-at-exclusive-dubai-concert It's hardly surprising that those who like to shout the loudest and pretend they care about racism, homophobia, human rights and equality are usually the ones with something to hide. And yet folk still fall for their bullshine. 😂
  6. Not literally. Do you think it needs reform and updating?
  7. I would like to think if England was under attack or being invaded, then most of the country would pull together. That's obviously after all the arguments, protests and meetings with miserable lefties deciding what gender uniforms we all wear.
  8. I believe it's a term used for folk who like to take the higher ground, it makes them feel better about themselves, obviously for some inner guilt they have for doing or saying something really bad in their past. If it makes them feel better then I can't see the harm at all.
  9. Definitely not me. I am not even on twitter. I found that link on another forum.
  10. Teaching without bias, but one would hazard a guess this to being impossible for the majority.
  11. Stop indoctrinating kids for a start about politics would be my first port of call.
  12. She is being used, simple as that. Does she have a job as I would love to know who pays for all her trips?
  13. https://twitter.com/albundysdad/status/1615661647925747713?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1615661647925747713|twgr^26587184a0c99fb0273d46f6b23ff81a20e660b4|twcon^s1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.readytogo.net%2Fsmb%2Fthreads%2Fgreta.1575799%2Fpage-4 Definitely not staged. 🙄
  14. Guardian at it again. Promoting folk to suit their agenda even though they write disgraceful lyrics. I will not post a copy of lyrics to her new song "New bottega" as its rather rude and demeaning to men. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/jan/20/i-deserve-respect-azealia-banks-on-redemption-republicans-and-kanye You go girl!!! 🙄
  15. I am not too entrenched in my views as to not give credit where it's due, regardless of my political view. You should try it.
  16. I admire their passion, but unfortunately they are too thick to understand that the normal folk on the street ( the vast, vast majority) will just look at their pathetic efforts and laugh at them. It would help their cause tremendously if they could find protagonists that didn't have pink hair, unfortunate amounts of grotesque acne, and preferably didn't live with their parents in 4 million pound pound townhouses in Shoreditch. 👍
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