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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. You're/your. Depending on what dictionary you have available 👍
  2. I am always reluctant to give to much kudos to hero's so I prefer to tease with an emoji. Don't want them getting too much praise, even though they crave it.
  3. You're my hero. Don't fight it, embrace you're support for the workers. And I thought only hero's wore capes. 🥰
  4. Why is it that wannabe drug dealers have big ugly dogs? I mean, even the dogs will be laughing at them.
  5. You're a hero. They will be forever grateful.
  6. Ok, I will come clean. It was me. I am West77, Trastrick, Axe and JFKs killer. The Mister men have sussed me. And here's me thinking that their only remit was to brainwash the next generation with their god awful wet wipe pretence views, because they believe it's the way to protect them from previous faux paus. Embrace and learn from your errors. 👍
  7. Well, when I worked for the post office as a postman, those voting to go on strike were mainly doing it to have a few days off or to go fishing. That's a fact.
  8. He was repeating my posts as a joke you silly individual. And I thought folk from Sheffield had a sense of humour.. 😂😂
  9. We have been through this. You are incorrect.
  10. Is that straight from feminism weekly? No one on this forum has stated anything remotely close to what you are saying. Incel though...😂 Don't be brainwashed. 👍
  11. Not experienced that situation but your friend is the one who needs to grow up and realize you have other responsibilities, especially if you have a partner. Depending how long you have you been with your partner would maybe be a cause for some mitigation on your friends side.
  12. Do you think that it's now becoming a bit of a fashion statement for many? I think I posted this previous but not too sure.. I've good friends in Chicago, their child ( male) was not shall we say popular at all, he was rather unfortunate looks wise and got zero attention. Once he went to university he suddenly wanted to become non binary, dyed his hair pink and wanted to be known as ' they" All of a sudden he was the centre of attention, the Facebook comments and attention they received were proof of that. Around 6 months later they wanted to become he again. They found a girlfriend. His girlfriend dumped him. He is now back to being they and has changed their name. His mum and dad just want him to be happy but 100% know it's all for attention.
  13. Morning Ruby. What exactly has irked up about my opinion? Is it the fact that men are not attracted to aggressive women? Why would that annoy you, I am genuinely interested. 👍
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