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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Funny post on owlstalk about the superhero comic...👍 😉😉
  2. So you are basically agreeing with me then. You are doing it again Ruby....... Where has anyone said they want an obedient woman? You are falling into that trap of believing what aggressive feminists want you to say.
  3. Manfully? Care to explain, otherwise it's making you look like a misandrist. Thank goodness.
  4. Where did I say that? It's just like the other thread this. Posters making stuff up because they don't know what else to say.
  5. When did I say I don't like gay people on t.v, or is that just a sentence you have been brainwashed to say to anyone with a different view? There is nothing I can do unfortunately. We now live in a clown world which is going completely bonkers and is only getting worse, fortunately I will not be around to witness the ****show that it's creating. Those that do dare lift their heads above this nonsense are immediately either shutdown or accused of saying things they haven't..... Like not liking gays on TV. It gets folk going " oh no, he said that" Ban them, cancel them....blaa blaa blaa. Why is that important?
  6. I hope so because the last thing I look for in a lady is an aggressive one who wants to be more like a man.
  7. Young people to used to talk about football, pop bands, and maybe talked to their parents about sex. Youth workers and social workers these days are so extremely left that they will be actively encouraging young ones to think about their gender identity. It's absolutely moronic. Creating issues, confusion, mental health and depression for the young ones just because of their own warped agenda's Like I said. It's abuse. IMO.
  8. Don't worry, it's only a term used by the lefties when they have nothing else to say. It's replaced incel, white supremacists and triggered. Treat it with the respect it deserves.
  9. Here's one. If there were hundreds of children living on a desert island without the poison of social media and the like.... Do you think it would even cross their minds about gender identity? I think we both know the answer to that don't we. It's the poison of the internet, pathetic celebrities trying out the latest fad and irresponsible liberals pushing this nonsensical agenda? It's absolutely moronic and will lead to endless problems. It's abuse, IMO.
  10. I am guessing the Biden **** up is quite serious because even CNN did a 2 minute segment on it today. It was behind the headline news that Donald trump had forgotten to wash his hands last last.
  11. You are so entrenched that you are obviously incapable of answering a perfectly valid question because you know the answer will not align to your political stance. Not only is it childish, it's predictable as it is pathetic. Carry on enabling depression, mental health issues and unnecessary stress for the next generation. Someone mentioned you were a teacher? I really hope that's not the case.
  12. That wasn't my question. I will try again... Do you think children growing up are more confused than ever because of growing gender identity nonsense?
  13. I can assure you there is nothing remotely funny about it. Do you think kids growing up are now more confused about all this gender nonsense, or not?
  14. And folk wonder why so many people, especially kids growing up are suffering with their mental health and depression. Poor buggers used to have to only worry and stress about whether to take French or German at school....now, due to all this absolute nonsense about gender identity, they don't know whether they are coming or going. It's borderline child abuse IMO.
  15. I would argue that everyone I know would think it ridiculous but super funny. There's proof for you. 👍
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