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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. It's a marketing ploy, it's designed so their products appeal to a wider audience.
  2. I didn't watch any of the women's euros as I was away at the time so I can't comment on that particular situation. I completely agree with the rest of your post mind. The thing is, there is only going to be one loser in this pursuit of many women to having this hardened aggressive stance as I can assure you, less and less men are now willing to show the empathy, kindness, politeness, and gentlemanly conduct that has existed for years. Women are women's worst enemies.
  3. Women are in the main becoming more aggressive in all aspects of life, they are especially more aggressive with each other. It's an incredibly unattractive feature to have and men are completely turned off by it.
  4. You would like to think so wouldn't you.
  5. It's the latest fashion. The amount of folk off work with these " conditions" is going to send us into despair, not anything political. Still it's keeping the therapists and pharmaceutical companies rich.
  6. You obviously ain't be reading about all this gender nonsense then.
  7. Think it will be chemical rather than bombs flying around.
  8. I refuse to get embroiled into a conversation with you as you might accuse me of online torture.
  9. State of that. Good grief. You are perfectly within your right to dislike a whole community, if it makes you feel better, but your comment above is just ridiculous and your feeble attempt to make it sound like something it wasn't is pathetic at best. You're no better than Clarkson.
  10. No arguments about that game being chosen at all. Can't wait for Man utd v reading and Brighton v Wolves/Liverpool Oh the romance.......
  11. She looked awful at the golden globes the other day. Looked older than her mother. What a traumatic life she had.
  12. Exactly. So this series is totally beneficial for her. Shame on the BBC. Still, one doubts that the bosses will have to worry about her moving in next door to them. When is her book out? Paid for by me probably
  13. Do you think Ms Begum is happy about the airtime she is being granted, or not?
  14. It really really hasn't, regardless of how you want to try and spin it. 👍
  15. Absolutely I will be joining in. I've paid for the service so why not get my monies worth. Regardless that I think it's absolutely pathetic that my money is going towards giving airtime to someone who would like to see us obliterated, but I fully understand why the BBC has to be seen to tick all those boxes. No doubt those who are sympathetic to this absolute cretin would be more than happy to see her move in next door. 😂
  16. Take their offer, I like him but for the wages we pay him, I expect more input.
  17. Quite a lot to dissect there but thanks for the reply. In a nutshell my point is the hypocrisy of the Guardian. I stand by that wholeheartedly. And?
  18. Is it not possible to agree with someone's views and disagree with others they may have?
  19. It suggests exactly what I said. Most, not ALL of what he says is bang on the money. I am guessing that's why his podcasts are so popular around the world. He must be saying stuff that millions upon millions resonate with I guess. I do however believe a lot of the more outrageous comments he comes out with are purely for the attention, maybe fictional words embroiled into lyrics if you will. Like I initially said, I find him brash and I've no doubt he would be high maintenance.
  20. I've used Tate as an example because he is a prominent figure that the guardian are constantly chastising, that's fair enough, it's their right to do whatever they want. Then I scroll down to see them promoting someone who is saying similar vulgar and horrific words they are denouncing Tate for saying. You say Clavish is work of fiction embodied in lyrics..... So why is that different to Tate? He is only talking about stuff similar to Clavish? How do you know it's not just a big act, fiction embodied into lyrics... What's the difference? And regards to your attempts to paint me as a racist.... It's just the last throw of the dice when you're out of other points of view. It's predictable as it is painful.
  21. I would be equally as scathing if it was blatant hypocrisy. If you can enlighten me of such a blatant and pathetic dose of hypocrisy to suit a narrative then please go ahead. I will be more than happy to give my thoughts.
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