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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Triggered.😂 AKA having an opinion to adults. Please tell me you are not going to come out with the silly movie review comparison? Why is no one answering any of my questions but rather just make silly personal comments?
  2. Fair enough. Bit like what Clavish does I guess.
  3. Link? I've never said I don't find his views upsetting, have I?
  4. No, not at all. Andrew Tate talks about violence and Misogyny, maybe that's him using those words to garner likes and views to make him money.... Maybe it's all an act....As yet, as far as I am aware it's just talk, he has not been charged for anything.. Numerous articles in the guardian about him being the most dangerous man on the planet, how he is causing untold issues for society. A disgrace. Clavish talks about violence and Misogyny, maybe that's him using those words to garner likes and views to make him money...Maybe it's all an act....As yet, as far as I am aware it's just talk, he has not been charged for anything . The Guardian promotes his work, not just ignores it but actually PROMOTES it. If you fail to see the blatant hypocrisy then i can only assume you are being deliberately obtuse or are too blinkered to see it. I will give the Guardian the benefit of the doubt that it's not racism in this case however because that's not in anyway obvious.
  5. Would you say that Clavish lyrics have elements of violence and Misogyny? Simple question.
  6. Racism does make me fume. There's plenty in the guardian. 👍
  7. I could say that to the many who go on and on and on about the Daily Mail. I take great pleasure in highlighting hypocrisy, racism and xenophobia and will continue to do so. I think it's disgusting.
  8. Care to answer the questions I asked?
  9. Ok...let's be serious here for a minute... Read this article and then ask me these questions.... https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/27/rioters-torch-a-car-in-brussels-after-world-cup-defeat-to-morocco 1, After reading that article, and especially the first paragraph, would you think that Belgium folk had been rioting or Moroccan? 2, Do you think if England had beaten Belgium and England fans had been caught on camera rioting in Belgium the headline would read.... " Rioters torch car in Brussels after Belgium's world cup defeat to England? Now we both know the answer, so explain to me why not. It's blatant racism and xenophobia. Do you think if a shaven headed middle aged white man with an England top on had started attacking folk at a french train station the Guardian would say " folk slightly injured"? The Guardian and it's readers love to proclaim it's the bastion of equality, the publication for anti-racism and truth. It's nothing of the kind. It's a disgrace, and the fact that folk actually try to defend it is even worse.
  10. If being bothered about blatant racism, equality and xenophobia makes me look silly then I am totally fine with that. What is more alarming is that you're focus is on me rather than the point in fact. Each to their own.
  11. So, the attacker at the French train station was North African. Explains why this racist rag initially played it down. Bit like their headlines when Moroccan fans rioted in Belgium. " Fans riot after Belgium loss in world cup" Disgraceful racist rag.
  12. I would rather the owls win the fa cup or league cup than promotion any day of the week.
  13. Nah, thousands of folk die in car crashes. Famous people are not exempt.
  14. I thought it was JFK and his brother Bobby who were both "active" with Monroe who refused to try and save her when she was found unconscious in her bedroom, along with their well connected mates? Who knows, incredibly interesting stuff mind.
  15. I thought the Kennedy clan were instrumental in not saving MM?
  16. Or just don't trash your dad and brother for cash. 👍
  17. You maybe right. Imagine sharing intimate details about your brother for cash though. Just awful.
  18. But Trump didn't make his bed this morning... CNN. " Terror at Mar-a-Lago!!!!
  19. Trump is headline news nearly every day on CNN, they are obsessed with him!! The bloke can't crack out a fart without CNN having a report about it.
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