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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Or they have realised it was just really stupid or they now know the identity of the attacker.
  2. The word slightly has now been erased.
  3. Everyone can relax... Only slightly injured!!! That's ok then. Mmmm..... Strange why they would say that.? Never seen that word used when someone attacks innocent folk. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/11/paris-gare-du-nord-knife-wielding-man-injures-people
  4. Everyone loves a good bit of of comedy! Why do you think people are buying the book?
  5. Probably the same ones as Amber Heard would be my guess.
  6. If it's revenge then why is he taking wads of cash to reveal private and rather intimate stuff that's occured between him and his brother? What has William done to him?
  7. Any tips are helpful. When I wake up I usually put on a podcast to listen to, usually a sports one. I find this helps get me back to sleep as I rarely listen to the end of it. Trouble being is that I am awake again roughly an hour later!!
  8. https://www.reuters.com/technology/musk-says-possible-that-twitter-gave-preference-leftists-during-brazil-election-2022-12-03/ First one that came up.
  9. I would rather that than criminals be on the streets.
  10. The obvious answer is to build more prisons. I don't know why this is a problem. Creates more jobs an all. Win win.
  11. Why would you want to put less criminals in prison?
  12. okay @Al Bundy and @fools have different IP addresses, different email addresses - this is how I would usually check via IP addresses so unless they tell me otherwise, they are staying as two separate accounts! Own it!!!!!!!
  13. It's horrendous mate. I actually believe that lack of sleep will finish me off. I look forward to going to bed, like now, I can't wait to lock up and take my cat and hot water bottle to bed, but once I am tucked up, I get restless and anxious. Most nights I get off but usually wake up around 2-3am, then that's me done, can't get back to sleep. Feel like crap all day.....and repeat. Absolutely hate it.
  14. I am an insomniac. It's my main issue in life and it creates a massive problem for me, especially with work and my personal life. I've tried everything, but I've just now accepted that it's something I have to deal with I have on average about 4-5 hours sleep per night. Once my head hits my pillow, I start worrying about work, money, health and dying. I hate it.
  15. So it's ok to smash up, riot, loot and create absolute mayhem, ruin legit businesses......along as it's not government property... Carry on....
  16. Thanks Beca. Appreciate your time and efforts. 👍
  17. I thought it was plainly obvious you were taking the wee wee. 😂😂 I thought folk from Sheffield had a sense of humour an all. Well, they used to have before they found absolutely everything and anything to be faux outraged about.
  18. Apologies. Did I write that, or was it you? I am confused. If only they knew we are not the same person. How can we prove it?
  19. A visit to Reading on any day of the year is a drag. Awful place
  20. Great draw for both teams. An excellent chance to progress
  21. The owls had a major cup run in 91 AND got promotion, so that kinda blows that theory out the window.
  22. It's strange that when twitter was a left leaning platform....(.Jack Dorsey admitted as such,) the left never mentioned twitter, yet now it's been purchased by a chap who wants a more free speech platform the outrage is deafening. Hardly a day goes by without that petulant rag The Guardian getting in a few childish digs at twitter. Don't like it when they don't get their own way. Stomp stomp.
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