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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. To be honest I am appalled at the complete lack of empathy for Prince Harry's dog this morning. A new blockbusting revelation in Harry's book " Spare" has said he fell and cracked the dog bowl when William got hold of him by the collar. ( Harry, not the dog) No mention whatsoever about the poor dog and what happened to him. They say dogs are like their owners so I am guessing the said pooch is now in therepy.
  2. Crikey. First off, please show or explain anywhere that I've ridiculed others for serving. Then once you have done that, I will engage further. 👏👏👏👏👏👏 Bingo.
  3. Nope, just thinking for myself rather than being brainwashed into what to think and believe. So you agree that the scenario was about self defence. Good stuff. 👍
  4. So you know he is talking about self defence then. Good stuff He puts his point over in a brash, needless way, no arguments there whatsoever.
  5. No. I would if I had to though. I am not a banned member at all, I would love to be able to prove it. It's absolutely hysterical that lefties can get their heads around the fact that there are millions upon millions who think like me, hence why we keep winning election after election. They are too blinkered to actually think other than just because someone is right wing it has to be a former member who has reappeared under another name. Can't get their heads around it!! 👍 I've no doubt I will be banned soon enough for giving my views, even though they are not aggressive, foul mouthed or below the line. The right are used to being silenced. 👍
  6. Have you seen the video where he mentions the aforementioned words?
  7. It's absolutely awful, however, #believeallwomen.
  8. You do realise that he was making a video regarding self defence for women? He was explaining that the moves women are told to engage are useless and the attacker would just do the following.. But you are not told that are you. 👍 Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan will be the next to get set up. Governments don't like figureheads who encourage folk to think for themselves and whom have massive influence around the world. Tut tut.
  9. They will say whatever social media has told them. Trust me, if all these non binary, transgender folk lived on an island with no internet, or t.v, my guess would be that more than 50% would not have these thoughts or tendencies.
  10. Here is my take.... Only my opinion. I have good friends in Chicago they have a teenage son, 19 I think. Without being too mean it's safe to say he is not the best looking chap and has always struggled for any attention, especially female attention. Around 3 years ago he became non binary, changed his name and dyed his hair pink and wanted to be referred to as " they" Around 2 years ago, he decided to knock that on the head and said he was back to wanting to be " him" again. Around 6 months ago he went to a university and after say, 2 months he wanted to be non binary again and changed his name and wanted folk to refer to him as " they" again. His parents are lovely and want they to be happy but both they agree it's just an attention thing. I agree.
  11. That's funny. Maybe the author could do something about it then and start getting her sisters to build cities, buildings, roads, sewers, etc etc. Not sure what's stopping them to be honest.
  12. Doesn't surprise me it's the latest fashion. They will grow up eventually.
  13. West 77? Can you elaborate as I've no idea what that is.
  14. Thank goodness those who helped in defeating the Nazis didn't have your attitude.
  15. Uncle Sam's used to be absolutely fantastic. I visited the establishment last year for the first time in probably 15 years. It was awful. Everything we ordered was poor, the burgers, onion rings and even the fries. For 3 of us it came to around 65 pounds. I visited with my American girlfriend and had been raving about it for weeks. What a let down it was. We ended up going to taco bell down the street.
  16. That first sentence would be more accurate if you swapped the word people's to "mainly women". 👍
  17. Morning M. Yes, I've made my feelings known. I never get a reply though. Oh I totally understand we all have different viewpoints, shame that those of us with different viewpoints to the Guardian often get cancelled or banned though.
  18. No doubt all of you defending this would be absolutely delighted if your teenage kids would be listening to this dreadful music glorifying violence and sexual abuse. No wonder there is so much violence on the streets. Sad times. Not at the guardian, they are actively promoting it. No suprise though, I mean it's the same rag that gave airtime to that vile professor who wished the Queen die an excruciating death.
  19. Truth hurts sometimes. Luckily some of us are not too scared to stick our heads out of the barrel and say what others think but are too scared to say.
  20. Good post. I've nothing against this particular kind of music, each to their own, my debate is whether it should be promoted in a national newspaper, especially one that loves shouting from the rooftops about equality, any kind of sexual violence against women and the latest buzzword misogyny. Yet they have no issue giving airtime to artists that blatantly glorify it. It smacks of hypocrisy and political narrative. On the contrary. What's pathetic is your defence of a publication that's giving airtime to artists that glorify violence and sexual abuse. Incredible really.
  21. Oh I totally believe in free speech. However, the hypocrisy of the guardian is astounding. They promote artists who talk about gang violence, stabbings and sexual violence towards women, yet will have a collective circle jerk of outrage when a white male does it. Can you not see the political hypocrisy?
  22. Nothing tastes sweeter than highlighting the hypocrisy of the left. Lovely Jubbly.
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