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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Not read the whole thread but I am guessing it's the fault of that political party who keep winning elections?
  2. Indeed, just like they tried to banish Qatar and try every second of the day to rubbish their values. It was a perfect world cup. No violence. Hardly any arrests. No shootings. No stabbings... Yet we preach how they should live!!! You couldn't make it up. Who made you the ruler of truth? I know he speaks the truth in some cases because I've experienced the scenarios.
  3. Well, your entitled to your opinion, but luckily you are not cancelled for giving yours. Millions upon millions are listening to Tate because they know he speaks much truth and the powers that be don't like it. They are more interested in being all PC..... Incase they offend anyone. Not good for business, as the business is run by wet wipes.
  4. I think that's why Mick Lynch voted for Brexit. Be much warmer on those picket lines.
  5. His views maybe old fashioned, you might not agree with them, that perfectly fine, but the videos I've watched he is wanting to provide and protect his women. I've watched many videos as I wanted to form my own opinion of him and see what all the fuss is about, rather than just jump on the bandwagon of him being this monster. He is extremely intense, very brash and I would imagine incredibly high maintenance but I've not seen any video where he says anything other than wanting to protect women. He has no criminal record, has made something of his life and to be perfectly honest I agree with much of what he says. Has any woman come forward to say he has treated them badly?
  6. Unfortunately not. He was a well known ( in those circles) stock trader and banking magnate.
  7. Interesting yes, but I hated it once the initial buzz had worn off. My employer was just awful. When I decided to leave after 12 months, he gave me a Cartier watch. It was a fake!
  8. Indeed. Strange how a bag full of money suddenly stops mental health issues, trauma, self loathing and the ability to speak.
  9. So it's ok for a female to make fun of a man's anatomy? Imagine if Tate had mentioned anything remotely derogatory about Greta's body..... Yet he is the bad guy!! Go figure
  10. I made a fillet mignon which his wife brought for me to cook!! I was a houseman for some billionaire in the early nineties in Beverly Hills. I had no complaints about the food!
  11. Had lunch with Will Smith... Lovely bloke. Spoke over the phone with George Bush whilst he was president. Made dinner for Frank Sinatra.
  12. The issue being that the complaints will be about something that's not worthy of complaint. Triggered, meaning you have an opinion on a subject... So by definition, you were triggered into making a comment? If no one was " triggered" this forum and every forum world wide would cease to exist. Forum owners love folk being triggered. Triggered though!!!! 😂😂
  13. Neither you or I know the truth. Just pure speculation. I grant you, paying out 12 million is hardly a good look but in mitigation, in the grand scheme of things it's probably worth paying to just put a lid on the whole event. I've no doubt the lady in question will now be much healthier and her mental health issues, trauma and sleepless nights will have now suddenly ceased to exist.
  14. Next time I have a job interview I am going in all guns blazing... I have mental health issues... I am non binary... I identify as a person of colour... Guaranteed to get the job, even though I will be ****e at it. Bring it on I say.... It's a perfect time to gain a position you have absolutely no business getting. I love it.
  15. MeAgain.... Love it. The poor dear. 😆😆😆
  16. I agree, they should banish Harry and strip him of any entitlement he has.
  17. And yet you can't prove any are incorrect. All the classic Royal Haters defences, Well done. 🙄
  18. And where were her parents during all this supposed trafficking?
  19. She is probably just preparing herself incase she gets thrown into a Russian jail for smuggling drugs.
  20. Prince Andrew is guilty of being nothing more than a complete tosser and a lover of the high life. Everything else is just speculation.
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