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Al Bundy

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. Never been a fan.... From being a young un worrying about blokes trying to cop off with my stunning girlfriend at midnight and getting into bother.... To getting older and folk letting off fireworks that scare my animals... It's a night for scratters.
  2. They will get goals if they get the service. No Wilks..... What an horrendous signing that's turning out to be. Wish DM would stop bringing in these players with baggage.
  3. Ah yes, Paris.. Growing up the very mention of France, especially Paris had your mind wandering about classy ladies, lovely cheeses, warm french sticks and croissants dipped in hot chocolate.... If someone mentions Paris nowadays all you think about is riots, crime and burning vehicles. Diversity is our strength......... apparently. 🙄
  4. Sat on my jack Jones watching the box set of only fools. The missus gone to see her family in Chicago for Christmas. First time she has been home in 3 years and it's -26!!!
  5. No more to the debate than calling out your family as racists on national TV, then refusing to actually provide a name..... Absolutely vile and cowardly behaviour. And I really really really really don't think that Clarkson was serious when he said he wants her stripped naked and have poo poo thrown at her. Anyways..... Merry Christmas!
  6. Give it time... Someone will have pay for his energy bills to heat up his castle in Faversham. One doubts " Rat trap" and " I don't like Mondays" will have garnered that much revenue.
  7. The only people who seem to have benefited are the African leaders and Bob Geldoff. No one can ever explain why Bob is so damn rich.
  8. Well let's put it this way... If one of my loved ones, or family member had decided to pocket millions of quid in exchange for dirt ( unfounded) on other members of my family, had agreed to go on some American talk show to say we were racist ( unfounded), pretended to play the permanent victim whilst living a life I could only dream of, take the **** out of my grandparents, and basically prostitute themselves to whomever has the biggest wallet....... Then yes I would expect them to receive some ridicule and unkind words. It comes with the territory whether you like it or not. Did you get this outraged when Meghan said someone in the royal family was racist? We don't know who, but hey, that's ok right. Being called a racist is a damn sight worse than someone satirically saying they want to throw poo at someone!
  9. Indeed. I find it quite sad to be honest. The 16 year olds need help, not a license to go and change their gender. It's absolutely ridiculous to the point of it being cruel.
  10. I don't read the Sun as it's not my cup of tea, millions do though and not for one minute would I look down on them or call them dim. I will leave that to the self proclaimed intellectual left. I have no other user name. Sorry to disappoint.
  11. Bad night? I think you're getting confused as to the point of the majority not actually supporting his views but not wetting their pants about it. I really fear for you if you think his comments are so horrific.
  12. Would that be the newspaper that sells more than any other? I bet they are soooo glad they are out of touch. 🙄
  13. And yet the guardian still deem it appropriate to headline the world's best women footballers rather than a world cup winner passing away.. 😂😂😂😂
  14. You said he was incapable... Is that not making an assumption that said poster is beneath your capability of making a point even though you have absolutely no idea of their background or privy to their education? With respect, I would suggest you are no more of a snob than the family in question. A total hypocrite.
  15. Apparently he thought she was pregnant by another bloke. Drugs made him paranoid. Something made him resort to murder, I am no expert on that matter but obviously the man has serious issues and quite correctly will spend the rest of his life in prison to help protect the rest of us.
  16. I keep telling you that the strike tactics being used are the most effective way of making the government listen whilst minimising the effect on on patients / customers. Wow!!!! The very fact that strikes are being held around the Christmas holidays is paramount to the unions not giving a flying toss about the public. Pull the other one.
  17. Do I detect a tad of snobbery? I thought you were against that type of behaviour. Tut tut.
  18. Sympathy, not ridicule should be forthcoming in these situations. There is obviously some mental health issues going on.
  19. Indeed. When I did require their assistance ( I was advised to engage them) they did absolutely sweet FA. I could be wrong, but to this day I have no doubt it was because I initially refused to be bullied into paying into their mafia style funds.
  20. I said nothing of the sort. Your comment is just cementing my notion that for some reason you appear to be very bitter about things. Apologies if I am incorrect.
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